Long Covid Kids / longcovidkids@bsky.social Profile picture
UK-based international charity supporting & advocating for children & young people with #LongCovid & related conditions. https://t.co/QjkCJVG3tI

Sep 3, 2021, 15 tweets

1) This is Ethan, now aged 15, and ill for 18 months. He would like to be listened to and believed. He is certain that he is not anxious and that he definitely does not have "anything to gain" from debilitating daily symptoms.

#AlwaysOurBabies #LongCovidKids #BacktoSchool2021

2) Anna caught #covid in April 2020, 4 weeks later she had a terrifying "inflammatory response" & was so ill. The hospital refused to see her. She has #covid triggered #CFS & #PANS & been ill since. She's not the same happy, energetic little girl she was. 💔 #AlwaysOurBabies

3) This is Evie Mae, it doesn't seem two minutes ago that she was this little.
Now she's 13 and towers above me. Evie says she's tired of being tired.
Evie Mae has crippling #longcovid.
#longcovid #BacktoSchool2021
#longcovidkids #AlwaysOurBabies

4) This is Lilyana she’s now 11 and not a day goes by she isn’t in pain. I miss her laughter, her goofiness, and most of her happiness. Please protect your children. #longcovidkids #AlwaysOurBabies

#longcovid #BacktoSchool2021

5) This is Emma, now 14 years old. Emma has always been very healthy and strong. 16 months ago she sadly lost her health to #LongCovid, but during this time she has been stronger than ever! She is our hero and we are immensely proud of her ❤️
#AlwaysOurBabies #longcovidkids

6) Meet Martha at 2 wks. She is now 12 & sees several different specialists, has a modified school schedule & uses mobility aids as a result of #longcovid. Protecting our most vulnerable should not be a hard decision. Get #vaccinated, #maskup, keep our kids safe! #AlwaysOurBabies

7) Meet Cay. She is now 11. B4 #Covid she had abounding energy & a spunky personality.
She got #Covid April 2020 & has now been diagnosed with Covid triggered Juvenile #Fibromyalgia & doesn't go through a day without pain. We miss her energy.#longcovidkids #AlwaysOurBabies

8) Meet Maddie, now 16. She was a fit, healthy and happy teenager before she got #COVID19. Now she’s living with #longcovid, she’s been ill for 17 months and just wants her old life back! #AlwaysOurBabies #longcovidkids #BacktoSchool2021 @hollywills @mishwoz @NoisyMV @choo_ek

9) This is Milly. Now 15. She loved hockey & trampolining with friends. 10 mths ago she "crashed" at school & has never recovered. She is housebound/can't do schoolwork/ can't even manage a shower. She's can't remember how life was a yr ago: is this her normal?

10) This is 18 mths old Alyna she's now 9yrs & the happiest bunny you'll ever meet. At 6 mths old she got the measles, lost most of her muscle function which meant she lost the ability to sit, roll, and kick her legs she went through 18 months of painful physio stretching her

11) legs with a smile. She never complains & makes everyone smile, loves animals she's rescued everything from baby seagulls, hedgehogs & is a ray of 🌞we would give anything to see our little ray of sunshine happy and healthy again #AlwaysOurBabies #longcovidkids

12) Our gorgeous, healthy, BB! 7 mths, 1st boat trip. If only we had known then what we know now. He has had #longcovid for more than half of his life now inc seizures & breathing difficulties & weakened immune system. We are dreading the return to pre-school #AlwaysOurBabies

13) This is Kitty. Now 15. She got #COVID19 in March 2020. 18mths of chronic & disabling symptoms. 8 of those mths in bed, unable to sit up unsupported, even now she only manages 4 hrs at school & has new symptoms causing blackouts with answers. #AlwaysOurBabies #longcovidkids

Olivia is now 11, previously healthy, athletic she 🥰 to dance, run. She has been 🤧 for 12 mths now dealing w debilitating fatigue, nausea, brain fog, aphasia, possible seizures. She is feels increasingly let down by the government's lack of preventative measures #LongCovidKids

It has been 595 days since Freya and Eva felt well.
595 days of playing not being fun because their bodies are so tired and hurt so badly.
They are worried they will get #COVID19 again.
They don’t understand why there are no measures in school to protect them.

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