herbert.icp Profile picture
GM of Asia @dfinity, buidler of Web3 ecosystem & #ICP community | ex: Head of Startup @awscloud China; 3X founder; @StanfordGSB; https://t.co/3XCyebvGZ8

Oct 25, 2021, 23 tweets

1/ @dfinity China presents, "DFINITY Meetup Party" at 6pm CST tonight. This is the first event organized by DFINITY China team since the 5-city road show before Genesis in May. A few hundred have signed up to attend this highly buzzed event during #ShanghaiBlockchainWeek

@dfinity 2/ Agenda for #DFINITYMeetup1025 :

- Opening by Dom
- Keynote "Final Fantasy Before IC Singularity" by Herbert
- Global panel by @beavskis with @ORIGYNTech @OpenChat @DistriktApp @DscvrO @FleekHQ
- China panel by Herbert with @snzholding , @icpleague_com and @Astrox_Network .

3/ The venue for tonight's #DFINITYMeetup1025 is Planet One in #Shanghai , a futuristic and chic e-sports themed restaurant/party destination. We thought we could do better than boring hotel function halls (meh...). It's got VR games, immersive huge screens and open bar.

4/ #DFINITYMeetup1025 will see many developers, investors, researchers and community leaders from #ICP , #crypto and #blockchain . It will also draw sizable crowd from "traditional" industries including art, game, AI, chip, cloud computing, e-sports, real estate, retail, social..

5/ I'll add more tweets to this ever expanding tweetstorm. WARNING: this will be a very long series.

I'm thinking People of #InternetComputer , similar to @peopleofnewyork .

All are welcome to tag your tweets under #DFINITYMeetup1025 . Let's get the party started!

6/ Somebody is rehearsing


7/ Planet One’s theme happens to be space tech, perfect for @dfinity ‘s mascot

8/ We prepared a variety of swags and collaterals for #ICP supporters , such as #motoko pressure ball, baby sneakers, craft beer and T-shirts. They all got grabbed away quickly. Should have ordered more! 😝


9/ The venue for #DFINITYMeetup1025 , Planet One, dazzles our guests with all sorts of cool gadgets, including robot coffee barista, VR games, racing games, and on-site #NFT drop by #NFTGaga from @DelandLabs , a rising #ICP devops studio in Shanghai.


10/ Game is a big hit tonight on #DFINITYMeetup1025 . Many developers are hard-core gamers. They seem to have a ball! Some of them went as far as running a full CS live game…


11/ Catching up with friends from past life in @awscloud . #CloudComputing has had an amazing run of 15 years and is gradually slowing down. #InternetComputer can function as a new kind of decentralized infrastructure-as-a-service (#IaaS).


12/ Many friends in art industry came to #DFINITMeetup1025 . @GuZhenqing is the first #NFT curator in China; Ateng from Wuzoren Art Foundation just curated Guangzhou Image Triennial; Ying from @PKU1898 is turning into gameFi; Scarlett from @OmArt_NFT is seeking blockchain devops.

13/ The venue was packed with +400 people from diverse industries not just in #Blockchain on #DFINITYMeetup1025 .

One crypto OG said, I usually know 9/10 people at any party in this industry, but tonight I know only half, tops.

People who arrived late almost couldn’t get in.

14/ “If look can kill, you guys slay Shanghai tonight” - a crypto OG said on @dfinity ‘s #DFINITYMeetup1025 .

Yes we did.

#ICP #InternetComputer

15/ I moderated the panel for China’s #ICP #ecosystem titled “Past, Present and Future of #IC”, on #DFINITYMeetup1025.

I was joined by 3 distinguished #ICP leaders.

- Neo Liang, CTO of @snzholding
- @realblockpunk of @icpleague_com
- @ghostcorn of @Astrox_Network

16/ @snzholding is a very successful and influential crypto fund. Its CTO Neo Liang, has in-depth knowledge of #InternetComputer and often speaks on @dfinity developer events to share his technical insight. He’s mentored and trained many #ICP developers.

In Neo we trust. 🙏

17/ @realblockpunk started out in blockchain when in high school. He works closely with @shaoan_ to create the largest and most mature #ICP developer community in China - @icpleague_com. Punk is a crowd favorite. His passion in #IC is infectious.

In Punk we grow💪

18/ @ghostcorn co-founds @Astrox_Network , one of the most established #ICP teams in 🇨🇳. It builds plug-in that enables @DistriktApp ‘s #Android mobile client - setting example how Chinese #IC developers collaborate successfully with global community.

In Michael we build. 🤝

19/ @beavskis of @dfinity moderated the panel on global #ICP #ecosystem with an all-star cast:

- David Phan, @ORIGYNTech
- @Grogan73, @OpenChat
- @AndraGeorgescu, @DistriktApp
- Rick Porter, @DscvrO
- @harris0nhines, @FleekHQ

Excellent discussion!


20/ @dominic_w , founder and Chief Science Officer of @dfinity , kicked off the event #DFINITYMeetup1025 with a warm welcome speech, to a packed house of 400+ #ICP developers, community leaders and investors. Dom has been a great supporter for DFINITY's team in China.

21/ I opened with a keynote "Final Fantasy Before Blockchain Singularity" , a 101-level primer on #web3 , #blockchain , #DFINITY , and #InternetComputer to this mixed crowd of blockchain/#ICP OGs and executives from non-blockchain traditional industries.


22/ Dr. Xiao Feng, chairman of @WXblockchain has the best summary on #InternetComputer and its position in the entire #blockchain ecosystem:

- #BTC stores value
- #ETC defines assets
- #ICP runs applications


23/ @FionaWa66791635 , looking glamorous and classy, MC-ed the entire #DFINITYMeetup1025 , introduced guests, herded many 🐱, and crowd-controlled the party. She's our very reliable #MainTank and tactical #Mage 😉

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