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Harmony is an open and fast blockchain. Our mainnet runs Ethereum applications with 2-second transaction finality and 100 times lower fees.

Dec 27, 2021, 18 tweets

1/ @harmonyprotocol approved 17 more proposals in December 2021 💙

🖼️NFT: @marscolonyio, IndieNFT, @EncryptoArt, Dapp Accred, @DefiKingdoms

💱Defi: @eywaprotocol, @HarmonyLauncher, @indexzoo, @kogecoin, @BringFinance

⛓️DAO: @OneKoreaDao, Ambassador DAO

& more ⬇️

2/ Mars Colony @marscolonyio is a #P2E multi-planet colonization game starting from Mars, divided into 21000 tokenized plots of lands as #NFTs. The game also involves #DAO, #DeFi & NFT to empower users to grow their colony & earn.

Website: marscolony.io


3/ IndieNFT bridge is an initiative by the ONE community to help small-scale NFT projects to kick start their operations using the new Harmony cross-chain NFT bridge.

If you are a #NFT creator or developer, this is your ideal launchpad.

Read more: talk.harmony.one/t/eth-one-indi…

4/ EYWA Protocol @eywaprotocol, a decentralized cross-chain liquidity and data protocol, is joining the Harmony Network. EYWA aims to be the universal toolkit for DeFi developers to use irrespective of the native blockchain.

Website: eywa.fi


5/ Multi-blockchain node deployment solution provider, Node Pilot @nodepilot proposes to join the Harmony Network & ensure Harmony nodes are easily deployable. This removes technical barriers to be an independent validator node.

Website: nodepilot.tech


6/ @metagammadelta is a credible source of voice for crypto and #Web3 education and inclusivity. They champion the involvement of women in the building of Web3 by broadening access to resources, mentoring and other assistance.

Website: metagammadelta.com


7/ Secure your fine art with EncryptoArt @EncryptoArt and their decentralized asset verification. Equipped with Unique Secure Chip tech and #NFTs, they protect your fine art from identity thefts and frauds.

Website: encrypto.art


8/ @HarmonyLauncher is the world’s first decentralized IDO + IGO launchpad. With an integrated #AMM to enrich liquidity, Harmony Launcher is meant to support startups from resources to fund-raising & eventually the launch.

Website: harmonylauncher.io


9/ IndexZoo @indexzoo is a #DeFi cross-chain ecosystem of tokenized indexes. Using IndexZoo and their asset management facilities, users can earn long, short or leveraged exposure to crypto assets.

Website: indexzoo.com


10/ Dapp Accred or Daccred allows users and individuals to design, issue and manage their credentials in an event, DAO or institutions. The authenticity of these credentials are validated and verified on-chain as NFTs.

Read more: talk.harmony.one/t/launches-dac…

11/ The Ambassador DAO, a short-term task force intended to provide support to the ONE community & its developers. Over time, this DAO will transition into a working #DAO focused on in-person events.

Ambassador DAO roadmap: talk.harmony.one/t/the-ambassad…

12/ DeFi Kingdoms @DefiKingdoms, a blockchain game with an inbuilt NFT marketplace, DEX and liquidity pool built on Harmony.

We are thrilled to announce that they were approved for a $1mm grant from Harmony upon surpassing their milestones.

Website: defikingdoms.com

13/ @BringFinance is a decentralized staking platform. BRing is a #multichain platform allowing for new-age projects to embrace starting liquidity while also generating yields for participants.

Website: bring.finance


14/ KogeFarm @kogecoin is a low-fee yield aggregator aiming to launch on the Harmony Network. With their auto compounding feature, KogeFarm allows users to increase their staked tokens and in-turn reap more rewards.

Website: kogefarm.io


15/ @blockcoders_ put forth a proposal to set up Harmony SDK for marketplaces and other platforms. This shall act as a default implementation of the smart #NFT contracts with the room for customization wide open for developers.

Read more: talk.harmony.one/t/harmony-sdk-…


16/ The Harmony Korea DAO @OneKoreaDao is the latest regional DAO to be approved by the ONE community. With a clear mandate of onboarding more users using campaigns & reinforcing governance participation, the Korea DAO is up and running.

Korea DAO: talk.harmony.one/t/harmony-kore…


17/ QuickNode @QuickNode is open to adding support to the Harmony Network with node setup and troubleshooting. They also plan on assisting the outreach of Harmony’s educational initiatives, hackathons, and other events.

Website: quicknode.com


18/ Known as the ‘new generation of on-chain data infrastructure’ @Covalent_HQ is enabling easy access to deep and granular blockchain data using an unified API.

Website: covalenthq.com


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