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Canada is about$1.5 Trillion in the hole because of Trud, he let the the virus in, No vaccines, just lies, cover-ups.... I am voting CPC - you should too.

Feb 9, 2022, 24 tweets

Go get them pierre. Our next prime minister. Thanks to all of the truckers. Without you none of this would of happened @OmarAlghabra…

Vaccine passports gone at midnight in Alberta.
La liberté gagne!


Sign my petition to end mandates nationwide. Link in bio
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Powerful words from @RaquelDancho.
This government needs to provide solutions. Canadians are running out of hope. @OmarAlghabra…

Ottawa high school arts teacher Matt Muirhead said on Saturday that there was a point where things should turn violent against the truckers and that he was just about there.

“I think there is a point in time where you take up arms,” said Muirhead in a Twitter space on Saturday. “And I know that sounds aggress@ OmarAlghabra ive maybe, but I want to know what I can do next.”

Yeah, because that right is reserved for Trudeau 😂.

Every province is now outlining its plan to remove mandates and restrictions.

We are calling on the Trudeau government to do the same. @OmarAlghabra

Lightbound said during the conference that he was "ready to accept the consequences" that will come from speaking out. @OmarAlghabra

Canadians need authentic representation from our leaders, not ridicule and slander when people express concerns that don't mesh with their agenda. #CPC #pierrepoilievre #trudeaumustgo @OmarAlghabra #freedomconvoy2022

Not only have thousands of innocent, healthy Canadian citizens been forcibly confined against their will in Trudeau's 2-star COVID jails while they awaited a negative COVID test, but many were incarcerated for longer than the government demanded.⁠…

Mandates and restrictions are starting to end across Western Canada. All western provinces from Manitoba to BC are lifting restrictions and/or requirements for vaccine passports as early as this week. @OmarAlghabra

The success of the freedom convoy can be debated in the level of its role in all of this but it can’t be denied. Canadians are ready to live with Covid and manage it themselves. @OmarAlghabra

Now it’s up to provincial governments to do what they should have done 2 years ago double or triple it’s icu capacity as a result the new era of living with Covid. #freedomconvoy2022
#endmandates #liftrestrictions #manitoba #saskatchewan #alberta #bc #westerncanada #covidlife

Wanting normal life is not an extremist position. It's Canadian. 🇨🇦 @OmarAlghabra

Liberal Joël Lightbound admits strategy is to divide and distract @OmarAlghabra

Trud Minister imposed vaccine mandates truckers now looking to lay heavy fines to protestors on Parliament that will have: serious financial consequences
#trudeau #liberalpartyofcanada #Canada #Ottawa #TruckersForFreedom2022 #TruckerConvoy 3,098 comments…

Trudeau Liberal Minister who imposed vaccine mandates to truckers is now looking to lay heavy fines to protestors on Parliament that will have:

"serious financial consequences"

See our stories at

Liberal Minister of Transport, Omar Alghabra, walks back Trudeau's "fringe minority" slander on pro-freedom Canadians. Claims they are:

"twisting the words of the Prime Minister." #cdnpoli #trudeau #liberalpartyofcanada #ontario #ConvoyForFreedom2022 #TruckersForFreedom2022

One calls us a fringe and then other gaslights us into thinking we aren’t smart enough to understand what he said 😂 @OmarAlghabra

What do you expect? This is an extension of the moronic government we have in place. Nobody takes accountability they just sit there and find ways to weasel out of addressing it. We will never forget @OmarAlghabra

We do not feel you are compassionate so please don't state that you are. Because it is not true. @OmarAlghabra

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