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Mar 1, 2022, 9 tweets

*8.5% of vaccinated people in Pfizers #Covid study released today developed Autoimmune diseases.
Thread 🧵(1 of 5)

*4.7% of people developed blood Lymphatic Disorders
*2.6% of people suffered tachycardia 🫀
*4.6% of #vaccinated people developed #covid

1.07% of vaccinated people in the #pfizer study developed Bells Palsy or Facial Paralysis...

3.3% of #vaccine receivers in the #pfizer study developed heart attacks / cardiovascular diseases

*23 our of 270 #pregnant #women suffered spontaneous #abortions.
*75 developed serious diseases as shown in the #pfizer #VaccineSideEffects first 10,000 pages.
I've gone through 20 pages so far to find this...

Post 1:
Small correction tho; its 8.5% of ‘Musculoskeletal Adverse Events of Special Interest’

2.5% of Autoimmune

Thank you @HangLoose1337 I mistyped

Pfizer #vaccine data RELEASE DOCUMENT.
Of particular interest is page 30.
You’re welcome.…

Welcome to the land of the brainwashed. Where people glaze over the 100000 other side effects that cause death and disease, because they believe the miscarriages are a low %... wow.

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