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Urbanist 🌇 Public transport tech 🚌 🇨🇭🇨🇦🏳️‍🌈FR EN DE IT ES SE. Please vote.

Sep 5, 2022, 14 tweets

I was recently in Switzerland, mostly around Berne. Since there are municipal elections in #Ontario, I thought that it would be nice to talk more about quality of life beyond lower taxes. #onpoli #topoli 1/14

They come from government, the non-profit and private sectors. They may not all be applicable - of course. Thanks for the inspiration @shawnmicallef #switzerland 2/14

On Saturdays in August, all #museums in Berne were free. @museenbern… 3/14

When you stay in a #hotel, public #transit is free during your stay with the Bern Ticket. @BernWelcome 4/14

There is a network of #publictoilets in private spaces, but listed and accessible to the general public, across Germany and Switzerland.… 5/14

There were free #concerts and events on Federal Square right in front of the seat of Switzerland’s government, for example the Berne Symphony Orchestra #BernerSymphonieorchester. You could enjoy a beer while listening, of course in a returnable cup. 6/14

Switzerland has a network of 65,000 km of paths, mapped and signed. You can walk from one end of the country to another, or pick a spot near you and start walking. Public transport will take you back. #hiking 7/14

You can leave your luggage, no matter how big, at many stations. This makes stopovers easy. #travel #rail @RailService… 8/14

Many farms have #food for sale, with a box to deposit money or a phone number to send an instant payment. Here in #Wikartswil, it says, “pay what you think it’s worth”. #farmers 9/14

This #retirement home advertises daily menus to bring outsiders to mingle with the residents. This also means that the food has to be competitive with other restaurants. #aging #seniors The menu is online here:… 10/14

As part of a national program against #foodwaste, the town of #Worb invites residents to come and process a ton of fruits and vegetables in a “#Foodoo factory” so that they are not thrown out.… 11/14

One of the leading supermarket chains @coop_ch is opening Karma stores, focused on take-out food and coffee in which everything is #vegetarian and #vegan. 12/14

A playground is custom designed and built in Monbijou park, a neighbourhood park. @Bern_Stadt… 13/14

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