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#right·o© | Voice up for the Voiceless Humanity | Satyajit = #Essential·Rays© |Comment-RT-Like ≠ Endorsing |🕉 SanatanDharma☸️| ☬ = AdiShakti | Swadeshi |

Oct 17, 2022, 9 tweets

#right·o | The Dead Reckoning:
16th Dec 1971, 93000 Xenophobic West Pakistani Armed Forces Eastern Command & co-perpetrators; Jamat e Islami, Razakars, Al-Shams & Al-Badr were set loose under the "pākistānēr atmasamarpaṇēr dalil" but never faced trial @IntlCrimCourt (1/9)

Maal e Ghanimat/Ghanimoter Maal: U.S, U.K, China, Iran, SaudiArabia & SriLanka supported Pakistans war, while 'Genocidal Rape' of over 2,00,000 #bengali #women was unleashed with the blessings of Pakistan's Islamist clerics declaring #Bengali & #Hindu #women "War Booty" (2/9)

#HindusUnderAttack: Pakistani elites believed all rumors that #Hindutva was driving force in the Bangladeshi Revolt & as soon as a solution was found to the "Hindu problem" the conflict would be resolved. For Pakistanis, violence against #Hindus is a strategic policy. (3/9)

#Muslimwomen too believed that sacrifice of #Hindu #women was needed to fix the National Malaise. Records indicate fatwas from West Pakistan were asserted by Islamist imams & mullahs supporting 'Genocidal Rapes' by Pakistani Army. These practises have antecedents & legacies.(4/9)

Mostly #Punjabi soldiers hated anything to do with #Hinduism. The extreme hatred Pakistanis felt towards #Hindus could be seen in their brutal violence against #Hindus as the Pakistani Army & its local allies targeted rape of #Hindu #women & execution of men as in #Kashmir.(5/9)

The implication for #Bengali #women of being connected in any way to a "#Hindu" identity was rape by the Army. #Women were captured & taken to military camps spread throughout the country. In these camps & cantonments the Pakistani soldiers kept them as their sex-slaves. (6/9)

The Pakistan Armys commitment to 'Genocidal Rape' of #Hindu #women was two fold. #Antihindu oath intended to destroy the #Dharma, it's social position & self-esteem. The policy of raping #Hindu captives was intended to change the #Hindu communitys bloodline & demographics. (7/9)

The mass sexual violence demonstrated the existence of 'genocidal actus reas'. The Bangladeshi Tribunal emphasised that "violence against #Hindu #women was committed not just against them individually but because of their membership of their community"– Emissary of Divinity.(8/9)

A zealot Islamist society preferred to throw a #hijab of negligence & denial as usual with no remorse on the issue, allowed those who committed or colluded with gender violence to thrive; leaving #women victims & families to struggle in anonymity & stigma.

Lest we forget. (9/9)

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