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Shop name: #RamKachoriwala
Place: Marghat wale baba #HanumanMandir
#Food ordered - #Mutton and roti

#Delivery boy refused to deliver nonveg | Kudos to delivery boy who refused to deliver inside the temple

@Swiggy #AntiHindu #Hindumisia
#HanumanMandir | Delivery agent for @Swiggy
was supposed to deliver an order of mutton korma and naan to a customer whose location was near the temple premises. However, he refused to deliver the non-vegetarian food item due to the customer’s locatio

#AntiHindu #Hindumisia
On March 1, a customer had placed an order for mutton korma and naan from a restaurant in Karol Bagh. The customer’s delivery address was near Ram Kachori shop near Jamuna bazar Hanuman Mandir in Kashmere Gate.

@Swiggy #AntiHindu #Hindumisia
Read 8 tweets
We are glad to publish the #TheGlobalAntiHinduScorecard for Dec 2022. IAMC, based out of Chicago, is firmly in the leadership spot for promoting #antiHindu hate. #AI #Analytics #hindumisia #hinduphobia #hindudvesha (1/3)
Targeting Hindus/Sanatana Dharma for casteism is on the rise.
#TeamIndia and
under attack for "casteism"! Review the report and the methodology. Please like, RT and follow the handle. Requesting your support (3/3)
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#right·o | The Dead Reckoning:
16th Dec 1971, 93000 Xenophobic West Pakistani Armed Forces Eastern Command & co-perpetrators; Jamat e Islami, Razakars, Al-Shams & Al-Badr were set loose under the "pākistānēr atmasamarpaṇēr dalil" but never faced trial @IntlCrimCourt (1/9)
Maal e Ghanimat/Ghanimoter Maal: U.S, U.K, China, Iran, SaudiArabia & SriLanka supported Pakistans war, while 'Genocidal Rape' of over 2,00,000 #bengali #women was unleashed with the blessings of Pakistan's Islamist clerics declaring #Bengali & #Hindu #women "War Booty" (2/9) ImageImage
#HindusUnderAttack: Pakistani elites believed all rumors that #Hindutva was driving force in the Bangladeshi Revolt & as soon as a solution was found to the "Hindu problem" the conflict would be resolved. For Pakistanis, violence against #Hindus is a strategic policy. (3/9) Image
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#TheGlobalAntiHinduScorecard We are glad to publish our first #Top35 Handles list that promote #antiHindu hate on #Twitter. This is from our #March2022 #antiHindu #dataset. Please verify and report the handles. #Hindumisia #Hindudvesha #Hinduphobia 1/2
Please verify and report the handles. We will do the same for subsequent months. Please stay tuned for a #partnership announcement in this regard. #Hindumisia #Hindudvesha #Hinduphobia. 2/2
Please do review and point out if there are any discrepancies. Validation is manual work unfortunately. Model can be improved, but I need more time and dataset to be able to improve the AI Model. Even then it won't be 100%. Data Science is not Exact science!
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Exhibit A >> Abuse of Hindu Gods prevalent in his movies but no regret ever.

Never Forgive, Never Forget!

Exhibit B >> Refused to accept Supreme-Court and played to the galleries on Gujarat-2002.

Never Forgive, Never Forget!

Exhibit C >> A big hypocrite as he joined #Intolerance debate by brazenly firing from his wife's shoulder.

Never Forgive, Never Forget!
Read 8 tweets
We are glad to publish The Global Anti-Hindu Scorecard for June 2022. Please review the statistics and note down our remarks that indicate key topics/themes that triggered #antiHindu hate and the response. (1/3) #hindumisia #AntiHinduJune2022Report #GlobalAntiHinduScoreCard
June 2022 was an eventful month. There are the usual attacks on Hindus/Hinduism which we have been observing all along. Events add weight to the attack. (2/3)
I am working on an addendum to this report, will publish a few visuals in the next week or so. Please stay tuned. (3/3)
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How seriously should we take @ASIGoI
Respectful handling of the Sanchi Stupa in Vidisha
Neglected, locked 2,400+ yrs old Vishnu Mandir Stambh with Brahmi inscription venerating Vasudeva & glorifying Hindu Raja as "Saviour Bhagabhadra" in Vidisha
both under ASI ⁉️
Why does the ShivLing (not at all khandit) in the Dulhadeo Mandir #Khajuraho , remain un worshipped, caged behind bars of @ASIGoI
@MinOfCultureGoI @Vishnu_Jain1

Desecration didn't just happen.
It was & till date is Ideological & perpetuated‼️
How did the Jains manage to reconsecrate @ASIGoI managed Jain Mandir Complex, Khajuraho (from same era as the Sanatani Mandirs), adding new structures & new Moortis❓
Why this Suppressive #AntiHindu Bias ?
Read 6 tweets
IRF-RT DC run by Greg Mitchell (The Mitchell Firm) had a session on to push: India's designation as CPC

Moderator: Matias Perttula
Their Speakers:
Govind Acharya @amnestyusa
Sunita Vishwanath @Hindus4HR
Rasheed Ahmed @IAMCouncil
John Prabhudoss @Fiacona_us

cc: @IndianEmbassyUS
They have painted these LIES:
1. Hindu Nationalist as FASCIST. #Hindutva as extremist
2. Since 2014 Modi government, Hindu Nationalist Fascists started mistreating so-called minority community (Muslims, Christians, Jews, Sikhs)
3. #LoveJihad laws are hurtting 'LOVE'

Read 20 tweets
🚨🚩🔞🛑I am going to expose the whole #atheistRepublic #sexykali #hinduHating #Hinduphobic #pervert #rapist #hooligans #SickCult. Dear #atheist if you have an ounce of #conscience, i bet youll unfollow #arminNavabi #atheistRepublic. See👇 all:🕉️
(1/30) #lovejihad #HindusGirls Image
(2/30) Morality of #atheistHub: Normalizing #hindus to #pedofilo #Pedohunter : #atheistRepublic.
But #arminNavabi (Incessant Blocker)Refuses To Hear Our Pleas.
#underaged #hindus Matter #hinduDignity matters Image
(3/30)@AGAtheist_ (Employee of atheist Republic)
#sexykali , @ArminNavabi @AtheistRepublic Groomeers of #pedofilia #Pedohunter #pedofiliaecrime #pedo ImageImageImage
Read 34 tweets
It's not that they dont beleive, it's that they dont want to beleive facts,evidence ,statistical analysis.
#esp .
Coz it stands in the way of derogatory #sexyKali tshirt sale, #antihinddu #arminnavabi porn projects #antihindu #fakeNews propoganda.

Read 4 tweets
Indian American is going to play a very critical role in the USA Election post emergence of #KamalaHarris

Let's explore
There are around 11 million Asian-Americans eligible to vote in America this November elections. They comprise five percent of the total electorate.
Of this 11 million Asian-Americans 3.9* million are Indian-American voters

* some other source suggest 1.8 million
In the event of a close contest, this vote bank of influential Indian Origin could make a difference!
and #KamalaHarris is a major deception planned by the Democrats to divide the Indian-American votes.

.. this is where the game of perception starts
Read 20 tweets
@TheDemocrats @DNC @SenateDems @HouseDemocrats + Hinduphobic (anti-India) Islamic orgs are passing #AntiCAA resolutions through Democrat city councils. They refused to acknowledge that these #antiCAA resolutions are #AntiNonMuslims. @sfgov is here (THREAD)
@sfgov #antihindu #hinduphobic #antiIndia #antiModi #antiBJP (of course they have connected this to @realDonaldTrump) #antiCAA resolution public comment is here for your reference.

Yes, all the usual entities and Islamic orgs are involved. @BJP4India
Feb 2020: Democrat @CityofSeattle, a radical leftist + communist @cmkshama passed the first @AntiCAA resolution against India. @RepJayapal + @IAMCouncil @CAIRNational @EqualityLabs + many #antiHindu #antiIndia Islamic orgs in the U.S. are involved
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I hit a nerve. Now, this Kashmiri Muslims separatist groups sitting right here in United States will come after me, shame me, threaten me, mock me, will try to shut me up, even will try to blow me up or slaughter me.

Let's unpack! Thread @FBI @CIA @NIA_India @IndianEmbassyUS ImageImageImage
@Hindus4HR @standwkashmir @Students_A_H @IAMCouncil @CAIRNational @SASIinNYC @SAsiaSolidarity @EqualityLabs @saalt - ALL part of bigger nexus of Islamic jihad anti-Hindu propaganda here in United States.

WE HINDUS AIN'T HAVING IT ANYMORE @narendramodi @AmitShah @myogiadityanath
Let us see what you can do @aminah4prez @Hindus4HR!

Azaadi (FREEDOM) you had gotten from Hindus in 1947, when your ancestors wanted to get Islamic State with 98%. voting. What AZAADI you are looking for now? Spreading vile anti-India anti-Hindu propaganda spreading in the U.S.?
Read 11 tweets
True #secularism-defined as the separation of State and its agencies from any, and every, religion-never really took hold in India. When #PrimeMinisterModi places a silver brick in the ground as part of a #Bhoomipujan for #RamMandir, he might as well be burying the Secular Ideal.
The tragedy, of course, is that more than any other group, it was the majority Hindus who would really have benefited from a truly #secular Government. #Secularism in India was maliciously painted as #AntiHindu and as #MuslimAppeasement; it is neither.
The philosophical opposite of #Secularism is #Hindutva. It is a creed that sees every policy, every law, every administrative decision through the lens of Hindu-Muslim division. It negates the freedoms and liberties that common citizens need to thrive and prosper.
Read 5 tweets
Kashmiri separatists came in many dress, shapes and colors: Hindu haters, Jew haters, white haters, atheists, religious supremacists, Islamists, communists and so on, such as, Hindus For Human Rights....they even used the word 'Hindu'

More at Thread
#Hinduphobia #HinduGenocide
Kavita Ramas:
* Wife of Pakistani Zulfiqar Ahmad
* Advisor of Ford Foundation President Darren Walker
* Connection to Open Society Foundation
* Parents & sister connected to AAP PARTY
* President/CEO Global Funds for Women (doesn't exist now)

Read on…
Zulfiqar Ahmad's uncle is Pakistani left-wing intellectual activist Eqbal Ahmad, who moved to US in the 1950s from Pakistan, was vocal about Palestanian rights. He was indicted in the 1970 trial of conspiracy to kidnap Henry Kissinger + bom Pentagon…
Read 13 tweets
1) Why is @Wikipedia biased & #antiHindu?
Ans: Wikipedia’s mission is to summarize "accepted knowledge" from “reliable source”. Inconvenient facts are not part of “accepted knowledge” or published by so-called “reliable source”.
2)Anyone can edit Wikipedia?
Ans: No. Wikipedia has 4 levels of bureaucracy: Administrators, Bureaucrats, Supreme Court & Stewards ABSS. ABSS promotes group think, in-group favoritism & hostility to inconvenient facts. Only ABSS approved opinion is allowed @Wikipedia
Q3. What is “accepted-knowledge” & “reliable-source” @Wikipedia?
Ans: ABSS decides who is reliable-source and what is accepted-knowledge. Wikipedia editor's decided that @anuragkashyap72 is "reliable source"; So, @TheJaggi & @SwarajyaMag are black-listed: Image
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1) This tweet series exposes 16 cases of #antiHinduism at @TheEconomist. Articles provide disparaging description of Hinduism & Hindus. They are filled with false allegations which are repeated even after they are proven wrong beyond reasonable doubt.
2)@theeconomist Bitter Fruit, Aug 2008:
Article states “pilgrims see (Amarnath) as a phallic symbol of the god Shiva” but that is not true. Encyclopedias state that phallic representation of Shiva is western interpretation. Trying to pass off western belief as hindu is dishonest.
3) @theeconomist Bitter Fruit, Aug 2008:
Article on kashmir describes relatively peaceful hindu protester as “Militant” and aggressive muslim protester as “Protester”.
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Another #Hindu (#Sanatani) got attacked #thread

@Deloitte @DeloitteUS: You MUST NOT succumb to the pressure from the #Islamic #SEPARATIST #antiIndia #antiHindu GROUP

AMBUSHED: Sriram Panigrahi, Hindu works at Deloitte US

ATTACKER: TrathHindustans, a Kashmiri Muslim handle ImageAmbushed: Sriram Panigrahi ...Image
TrathHindusthans's thread (pinned)

Please check the entire thread to know who TrathHindusthans is?

Notice Trath Hindustan (S)...It is a #BreakIndia #Propaganda group

@KapilMishra_IND @Swamy39 @ShefVaidya @Rajput_Ramesh @jsaideepak @theanuragoffice
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Saud Gazanfer aka Yasir, located in Bollingbrook IL messaged me to threaten me that he will expose me. Take a look. Oh, he has supported #SafooraZargar for inciting violence and riots on India's streets.

Saud Gazanfer (Yasir) profile link: ImageImageImage
Hindus: If you are afraid of the bullies like this, it is the END OF #HINDUISM, #HINDUSTAN & #Hindus. I will continue to raise alarm against the #antiNational #antihindu #antiIndia #BreakIndiaForces.

@AshishJaggi_1 @Rajput_Ramesh @vibhor_anand @theanuragoffice @myindmakers
@ProteraTech your employee has threatened me...please see the thread. What is your disciplinary policy who issue #threatening #messages to silence voices of #Hindus in India, US soil (& world). This person works at a client office in Bollingbrook IL.

@SAP @AzureSupport @awscloud ImageImage
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Every #Indian #Facebook #Groups are infiltrated by #Islamists & #Jihadists either by Pakistani, Indian or Bangladeshi Muslims or a Muslim-appeasing brainwashed #Communists #HinduNamed #HinduHater

Example: Dallas Indian Community, 8.6K members
Created by Zahid Akhtar, a Pakistani ImageImageImageImage

They are ONLY pushing Islamic goal of baseless and false #antiIndia #antiHindu #propaganda. Any Hindu that is calling out their #propaganda is removed or insulted. OUR VOICES ARE BEING SILENCED. ImageImageImage
NEXT TIME YOU GO TO AN INDIAN STORE (or RESTAURANT), MAKE SURE THE OWNERS ARE TRULY INDIAN. These days, many Bangladeshi and Pakistani Muslims own these stores and restaurants using name of India. #VERIFY
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@Dell your employee Yousuf Mohammed, a Muslim, is sexually harassing women. Check the thread. This is women empowerment in Islam. Please do the needful.
So, in a group Yousuf Mohammed just threatened me to charge & sue me. Here is the link of the conversation in the group called New York Indians :…

@Dell: your employee continues to threaten and harass.
@ofbjp_usa @VHPANews @VHPDigital @RSSorg @RssWarriors ImageImage
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@cityofsaintpaul: @DaiThao1 @abrendmoen @christolbertstp @mitrajunjalali @janeprinceW7 @NelsieYang @RebeccaNoecker Islamic org CAIR sponsored #AntiCAA resolution is NOT ONLY inaccurate, divisive & spreading false narratives, BUT has massive #antiHindu #antiIndia connotation.
@melvincarter3: What does a small city of St. Paul with a population of 304,442 (2016 numbers) in the U.S. has got to do with international law, sovereignty and democracy of India that houses 4 times more population than the United States?#Hinduphobia #antiHindu #antiIndia
Q. What does the city council want to accomplish by passing the resolution?
Q. Why is the city council so eager to pass this resolution?
Q. Why is the city council spreading misinformation without proper understanding?
Read 23 tweets

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