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Oct 31, 2022, 25 tweets

SitRep - 31/10 - "Grain corridor continues"

An overview of daily events in #Ukraine. A day that began with heavy rocket attacks on Ukrainian cities in retaliation for the attack on the port of Sevastopol. And the grain corridor resumed with ships under UN/Türkiye protection


We start with #Russian losses today.

Most noticable are:
+620 men losses
+14 tanks
+32 APCs
+4 artillery systems

This morning, #Russia lost a Ka-52 helicopter in the south.

Not much later it became known that the 54th brigade from the AFU shot down another Mil Mi-8 Helicopter.

A Russian tank was captured by the AFU. Probably used by #Kadyrovites given the "Allahu Ahkbar" inscription on the turret.

This morning the MoD from Ukraine claimed responsibility for an attack on #Pskov airbase. Two Ka-52 helicopters and a Mi-28N were destroyed. Two others were heavily damaged.

Let's continue with general events, starting with the missile attack this morning on Ukrainian cities. This morning starting from 7am over 50 missiles were fired at Ukrainian cities. A lot of critical infrastructures were hit. A total of 44 X101/X555 cruisemissiles were shot down

#Russia released footage where missile launches towards #Ukraine are shown.

Some of the places that were hit:

➡️#Dnipropetrovsk (2x)
➡️#Dniester HPP
➡️#Kremenchuk HPP

Also one of the rockets that targetted the #Dniester HPP was shot down, and fell into #Moldovan territory.

After the strikes, 80% of #Kyiv was without water and there were several electricity outages during the day. Around 4pm electricity was restored in 27 substations and 3 hours ago it was reported that water and electricity was restored to around 350.000 inhabitants of Kyiv.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine hit a Russian base in #Alchevsk. By the end of september the AFU already hit a base there full of PMC #Wagner mercenaries. Casualties are unknow yet.

#Czech PM visites #Kyiv for talks. Later they signed a joint declaration in which the Czech Republic promises to help Ukraine achieve #NATO membership and continue to support Ukraine in the war against the Russian Federation.

Later tonight it was reported that #AFU has attacked #Belgorod. Damage is unknown, but smoke was seen over the city and explosions were recorded.

Important news about the grain corridor. Yesterday Ukraine, Turkiye and the UN agreed on resuming the grain corridor with just notifying Russia without asking approval. This morning, 14 ships (12 outbound and 2 inbound) started moving from/towards #Odesa.

No Russian interference was mentioned which shows they have no control over the Black Sea. If Türkiye wants to allow it, Russia will have to accept it. Barking dogs don't bite. I saw this image as a reference to the difference in navy strength.

#Russia came with some empty threats and statements via Nebenzya, post-representative of the Russian Federation at the UN.

Here they threaten #Türkiye and #Ukraine.

#Erdogan made it very clear what his intentions are.

"Even if Russia behaves indecisively, we will continue to make efforts to deliver grain to the world markets, we will continue our efforts to deal with grain," — Turkish President Erdogan.

Then to the fronts, #Kherson:

➡️Russian sources claim they repulsed attack near Davydiv-Brid
➡️Evacuation of civilians to the left bank continues while Russian mobilized soldiers are sent to the frontlines.
➡️Governor Saldo expanded the evacuation zone by 15km from the Dnipr.


➡️The 93rd mechanized once again confirmed their control over Bakhmut. No Russian presence in the city/outskirts
➡️Russian forces are pushing to #Soledar.
➡️Fighting somewhat slowed down after Russia's defeat in the eastern outskirts
➡️AFU downed a Mi-8 near #Berestove


➡️General Staff reported shelling of Ukrainian positions in the vicinity of Plohschanka and Chervonopopivka. Yesterday the AFU was already visually located close to Chervonopopivka
➡️General Staff also reported firecontrol over the P66 highway between Kreminna-Svatove


➡️There are rumors that Novoselivske, Luhansk region is reportedly under the control of the AFU. This is based on General Staff reports that mention Russian shelling in the town. I wait for visual confirmation.
➡️I still try to determine the P66 breach point


➡️Until now i have seen no visual evidence of Russia reaching #Pavlivka suburbs. I take this 'offensive' with a grain of salt and will wait further confirmation that gives more clarity.
➡️There is something going on, but to unclear to report on right now.

That's all today. If you like my reporting and mapping you can support me via

I will keep doing my best to have Ukraine continuously visible so that the war and support do not fade into the background.

Tomorrow more news and maps. Safe!


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