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Healthcare workers, researchers & advocates providing accurate COVID information & supporting evidence-based policies #POPBC

Jan 21, 2023, 10 tweets

Parents & educators should be getting angry with #bced #bcpoli & @CDCofBC for not protecting schoolchildren & educators during #Covid #Influenza #RSV They had 3 yrs to get it right. Ty @OhCasavant @kyenta_m @VanDPAC… via @VancouverSun

What happened this fall in BC should be proof enough that more needs to be done for schools to become safe learning spaces.

To be clear, BC schools have never been safe during the #COVID19 pandemic.
#COVIDIsAirborne #CleantheAir #Ventilation #N95 #CO2

Is BC PH going to once again "closely watch" and do nothing when #COVID cases start rising in schools? #XBB15

Question: If BC PH won't protect the health of schoolchildren and educators, what will school boards do?

Answer: @VSB39 "the board rejected the parents’ offer, taking the position the do-it-yourself air purifiers would provide little benefit when it comes to virus transmission."

Air purifiers in classrooms are effective at cleaning the air. They decrease the concentration of aerosol particles containing virus-RNA & the inhaled dose of virus-RNA. Listen to Professor MacIntyre @Globalbiosec H/T @marialavis…

Here is a webinar for you @VSB39 #bced #bcpoli and @CDCofBC to catch you up on the science.…

Imagine filtering out of classroom air #SARSCoV2 and other respiratory pathogens like #influenza and #RSV

@VSB39 #bced #bcpoli @CDCofBC Can't attend? No worries, here is the summary for you to read and share with BC's ventilation technical advisory panel to bring them up to date on air cleaning in schools.…

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