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May 11, 2023, 5 tweets

Confucius was a philosopher, teacher and politician who lived in ancient China over 2,500 years ago. His teachings continue to influence Chinese culture and society to this day. #Confucius #philosophy #China #history

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2/ Confucius emphasized the importance of virtue, education and respect for authority. He believed that rulers should lead by example and cultivate moral character in their subjects.

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#midjourney #AIart #history #virtue #education #leadership

3/ Confucian values continue to play a significant role in Chinese society, particularly in areas such as education, family relationships and business etiquette.

👉Prompt in the ALT👈
#midjourney #AIart #history
#Confucianism #culture #society

4/ Key lessons from Confucius include the importance of self-cultivation, the pursuit of knowledge and the value of relationships.

👉Prompt in the ALT👈
#midjourney #AIart #history
#selfimprovement #education

5/ Confucius' legacy lives on today through his teachings, which have inspired and guided people around the world for over two millennia.

👉Prompt in the ALT👈
#midjourney #AIart #history #legacy #philosophy #inspiration #China

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