How we ended saving 2 lives instead of one😭😭
Thread #bloodOnTheLine
(Erm, my mentor calls me Kilishi, Kilishi for Kelechi, lol) #BloodOnTheLine
“OMG, i am a match but i am sick right now i can’t donate.”
“I am a match, how much will you pay.”
We got lots of responses like this until we got 3 positive ones.
But we had another matter on our hands. The donor who just found that he had Hepatis B and HIV (Goodnews and/or bad news)
How do you feel when you are down and broken and you RECEIVE and act of kindness from someone?
Compare it to how you feel when you GIVE it? The feeling that you saved another?Which feels betters?
It does more for me than it does to the other, i dare say!
Now, imagine when you give blood to save a life! Wow! Amazing feeling #BloodOnTheLine
This is why we are lending our voices today being #WorldBloodDonorDay2018 to say #GiveBloodSaveLives!

Donate blood because your blood will save another life
#bloodontheline #WorldBloodDonorday

In addition to free oxygen, There are some people who need regular blood transfusions just to stay alive 😭
Please Donate blood to help sustain their lives #BloodOnTheLine #WorldBloodDonorDay

Oh, most times, baby dies too😭😭
If we had steady supply in the blood banks, many lives would have been saved.
#BloodOnTheLine #WorldBloodDonorDay

Blood donation is an act of solidarity, kindness, empathy, altruism, a true patriotic Nigerian!
#WorldBloodDonorDay #BloodOnTheLine

Well, now you know! #BloodOnTheLine
Talk about killing 2 birds with one stone. Be a regular blood donor!
Who know who might need it tomorrow? Who knows? Maybe you🤕 #BloodOnTheLine
This is why we need more #BloodOnTheLine
There is joy in giving.
There is healing in giving

When you donate blood, you gift life!
It may be someone you don’t! Who knows, it may be someone close to you will benefit!