We are starting with a road walk to create awareness ....
Kindly RT and follow this thread for live feeds #PreemiesAreRubies

FCC is feasible, increases breast feeding and decreases hospital stay - Dr. Medupin #WorldPrematurityDay
1. The health workers are the pivots.
Apart from medical care, Give emotional support, Be empathetic, create a friendly and enabling environment
If the mother cannot provide Kangaroo mother care, she must assigm someone to take over. - Dr. Medupin
#WorldPrematurityDay #PreemiesAreRubies
@MarchofDimes @SavetheChildren @UNICEFNG
@WHOnigeria #PreemiesAreRubies #WorldPrematurityDay
#PreemiesAreRubies #WorldPrematurityDay

"A mother who has cared for a premature baby successfully is in a better position to advice a new mother who is experiencing same" @BeatingTiny #WorldPrematurityDay
Prematurity babies with supportive fathers have a better outcome.
Fathers are encouraged to also provide skin to skin care to the premature babies. #WorldPrematurityDay #PreemiesAreRubies
#PreemiesAreRubies indeed!
We believe that #EveryBeatingHeartCounts
Thank you @PetraOnyegbule
For this wonderful initiative