The “he” I refer to is Rallings. This was his testimony yesterday. @tamisawyer is one of the people who was surveilled.

He’s on cross-examination now.
Rallings: “I knew the consent decree had stuff about spying on people.”
Seems like I’ve read something that challenges that stat. Someone link if you find it.

Police went to the home of Stewart’s mother and offered their condolences and their support, such as with media that might come to her house.
I’m just guessing here, but maybe she was uninterested in your offer because one of your officers had just killed her son?
I covered these protests & know a lot of these organizers/activists. It’s hard for me to believe anyone could seriously think they wanted to hurt cops.
These two things aren’t mutually exclusive and McCalla has said as much earlier in the trial.
He said he always asked them: Why does someone have to get arrested?
Q: This was clearly a criminal act? Was anyone charged with a criminal act?
Rallings: No.
Q: Could they have been charged? A: Yes.
Those people might dispute that there was any leader of this spontaneous event. My reporting did not identify anyone who led the group to the bridge.
“Me and Keedran Franklin walked off the bridge drinking from the same water bottle.”
That’s an interesting analogy if you know who was violent in Selma and who the victims of the violence were.

Back to the trial: Rallings is peeved about the fake Twitter account created in his name.
“The president is a great example of the power of Twitter.”
He’s mad about the “gall and audacity” of whoever created the account.
No one has asserted that this account posted anything inflammatory.
Absence of evidence isn’t evidence of absence, of course, but if you had the evidence, this is the time you’d share it, right?
Yesterday, an incident report said that the IP address used to send the fake Rallings tweets was the same IP address attached to the @midsouthpeace, where @aktionkat works.
Which is scary, because again, it hasn’t been established that there were any inflammatory tweets from this account.
A solution would be for the director to get a verified Twitter account and publicize that, no?
Let me say this: It is really hard to meet your Apple Watch stand goal while you’re covering court.
One thing to note: The difference between impact and intent. I am confident that many officials do not know the distinction.
Take, for example, housing discrimination. You don’t need to prove that the lenders were mouth-breathing, n-word using bigots.
He said if I’m covering the trial, I’ll find out. And then said: We’re watching you? As if that’s news to him.
I’m the editor and publisher of @MLK50Memphis. My goal is to provide the context that you may not get from other journalists.
We wanted to capture the moment, write that first draft of history in a way that amplified activists.
The @aclutn attorney had just asked how @MEM_PoliceDept decided what social media accounts to monitor.
And then @aclutn attorney Mandy Strickland Floyd showed the email where they were monitoring three journalists who appeared to have the trust of #BlackLivesMatter protesters.
Q: Why was that important to forward?
Bass says it was just to make them aware.
The event was at a church.
The FB post that prompted this surveillance was by Frank Gottie, who wrote: “Meet me at 9:35 am... to watch me get saved.”
A photo of the FB event was saved as BLM.jpg.
The event? They were going to serve free lunches for kids in the Raleigh Egypt neighborhood.
@aclutn attorney Strickland has Bass read the why.
“Let’s feed the children/youth.”
This was included in emails distributed to the city’s Office of Homeland Security.
This is what good source development and fair reporting gets journalists. People talk to journalists who have a track record of accurately reporting their stories.
I would think that would lead @MEM_PoliceDept to be smarter about intelligence.
Bass: No.
Q: If 600 people with the National Square Dancing group gathered, would you look into that for operational safety?
A: Yes.
And look, @CityOfMemphis made the @nytimes again! nytimes.com/2018/08/22/opi…

If he’d gotten an order to surveil protesters, he wouldn’t have followed it.
Bass says he’s a 2nd generation officer, has been shot at 17 times, almost killed in 2012 and will be retiring soon.
Bass forwarded
Reminder: Bass forwarded to the city Office of Homeland Security a memo about three journalists even though there was no threat.
Howard testifies that his office doesn’t give permits for events on private property.
@aclutn attorney shows him an email he sent rejecting a permit for an event on private property.
@MEM_PoliceDept was following at least 4 journalists. What public safety concern did we pose? What disruptions btw opposing groups were prevented by watching @andreamorales @katiefretland @KayAnneSkinner and me?

After his testimony, it looks like Paul Garner, @aktionkat, will testify.
In my place will be reporter @megawatts2000, who has covered the protest movement here and interviewed Rallings for @MLK50Memphis last year.
Follow her.
MPD was searching on social media for terms like gun, #BlackLivesMatter, protest, Memphis, rally.
Tennessee is an open carry state btw.
Wilburn email to the @MEM_PoliceDept office of Homeland Security
Subject: Looks innocent enough but here it is in case you are asked about it.
It was a July 2016 FB post about... a BLM Vegan Soul Food Cookout.
Q: It’s not talking about an assembly, is it?
A: No.
He says it came up in his social media collator because he searched for the word violence.
Um... That can’t all be true. The 1st and 3rd point are in conflict.
He was also searching for “Trump” and “not my president.”
I intro’ed her to city spox Ursula Madden as one of the journalists police were monitoring. She was like... Um... OK. And rolled out like this lol
He’s done and the lawyers are conferencing with the judge. Paul Garner @aktionkat to come up next.
She was a journalist not that long ago, though. Presumably she gets what my job is.
Garner: Last weekend he had a “Know Your Rights” workshop at the Hollywood Community Center at which two police officers participated.
So doesn’t work with them formally, but has had lots of encounters.
Garner: “I was not there.”
Remember yesterday when I said that @MEM_PoliceDept Stephen Chandler misidentified Garner in a photo of the July 13, 2015 protest?
Garner wasn’t there.
Several people in the courtroom laugh because it’s so not Garner.
Rallings was concerned that people would see an inflammatory post, think he really said it and the city would “erupt.”
With 114 followers on an unverified Twitter account.
Someone find the video of that and post it, please.
To counter the negative media stereotypes, he raised $ to take kids to movies.
Memphis media, what we do is important. Someone tag all the local TV stations here.
He said he’s been followed by police, sees them sitting outside his house, outside events he coordinates.
Asked how this affects him personally, he says he doesn’t even go see his mom much because he doesn’t want her to get caught up in anything.
Whew! I feel this. It’s how I’ve lived since the first death threat I got at @memphisnews probably 10 years ago.
In it, Franklin can be heard saying: Jack Soden (of Graceland) we coming to your house next!
He never went to Soden’s house.
I don’t get it.