Change is hard because it requires to alter your core beliefs and approaches to life.
Doing that is hard, that's why most people never change, they just 'appear' different to the outside.
What should you do?
1- figure out what you need to improve.
2- change the way you think about that area, view life through the lens of someone who possesses that 'change'
3- Get experience (negative)
All could be learned, but you need to figure out what.
The easiest way is to find a 'model', and see what qualities he has that you lack, but could really use.
Alphas from TV series can do the trick
You copy the mindset of a confident man, you copy his thinking patterns and models of behavior.
That's the most important part.
You need experience (usually negative) to wire your brain in the way you want it.
Want to be a confident man? You do what confident men do, and you do that with the right mindset.
This approach would only work once you have the correct mindset and you operate on the right frequency.
You use your experience to reinforce your beliefs.