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Tini z @tiniz
7 years ago, 5 tweets, 2 min read Read on Twitter
I’ll tell you what happened in the 3 cases of child marriage I was involved with- after they got married. Youngest child was 12. Husband was 15. She got pregnant. He ran away. 2nd case, girl was 14. Boy was 18. Divorced her. Stuck with 2 kids. First child at 12 years old
3rd case, child was 14. Man was 24. Divorced her. With a child. All 3 single mums. All 3 in Kl. With babies. No work. No education. Malaysian kids. Parents of the girl’s had to support
This is KL.Msian children.Do you know what one of the parents said to me when I asked why he let it happen? Baik kahwin sebelum buat Kerja maksiat.ok then.Sekarang awak tanggung!Tak mampu? Minta susu/diapers. Anak? Duduk Kat Rumah,main dengan baby macam anak patung!
Before we say it just happens to just Malays girl’s and boys, I know friends who work on cases where young girls are married off to dirty old men in bogus temple weddings to have sex with them. Then discard them and pass them around for sex. And for money. That’s prostitution
No monitoring. Everyone says yes. No registration. No protection.
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