I'm totally amused to read the various headlines around the @rssharma3 challenge! Clearly shows one of three things:
1) Knowledge of #Aadhaar @UIDAI is poor
2) Biased people take away what they want to believe
3) Both
No data is hacked/stolen or misuse-able

Fact of the matter is that #Aadhaar only has 5 pieces of information - Name, Address, DOB, Gender, Photo, Photo and optionally Email Address, Phone#. I know of NO service that lets you subscribe without the first 5 items and most likely one of 6 & 7.
The biggest cost most service providers face is verifying that the data is indeed accurate and knowing that the person cannot come a second time with a different IDentity. That is precisely what #Aadhaar is designed and architected to do!
By #Aadhaar - service providers - bank/telco/insuranceco/mutualfund company/ employer/school/etc. can merely verify that:
- the identity being claimed is genuine/non-fakeable
- have a digitally signed code that can be stored as proof - nothing more, nothing less
The foundation of #Aadhaar makes service delivery significantly lower cost for any service provider, while eliminating fraud and actually protecting the individual - I have done countless studies on the costs telcos have for #KYC, despite their scale!
As with all new systems of much smaller scale - teething troubles are par for the course. Its important to get this right - but one thing is clear - NOT having solved the IDentity problem in India was very expensive in more we ways than one.
The next 5 years can be pivotal in setting the systems for the future - and #Aadhaar is the foundation of this. The good news is that technology is progressing fast enough to drive digitization at a scale & cost that was unimaginable.
The missing piece was the Data Privacy & Security Law! I wish we had it earlier but in some ways its good because the world is now sensitized to the importance of it. The #SrikrishnaCommittee report will take a lot of internalization - and has huge ramifications
We must have the communication channel open for constructive feedback - that is something that must be improved, not just by @UIDAI but all aspects of government & of course all industry too!
Everyone around the world is in shock and envy! We're lucky to be living in a country where we have the intent & technical capability to execute on such an ambitious plan. #EverTheOptimist #JaiHind 🤞✌️👍
@UIDAI @rssharma3 @NandanNilekani @pramodkvarma @nikhilkumarks @snjyjn
1) Use of OTP-based eKYC should be pervasive - NOT restricted
- ANY Entity registered in India should be allowed to do this
2) Storage and/or Use of the photo or photocopy of #Aadhaar should not be allowed
4) Persistence of #AadhaarInfo should trigger a notification to my @digilocker_ind so I know who all are storing my details
6) Delink #AadhaarTerminals from entities using them - allow people to create a business a la telco recharge doing #BiometricAuthentication On Behalf Of Others
The list goes on..