Aadhaar has become the most talked about expression in the recent years.
Attack on aadhaar by petitioners is based on violation of rights under Part III of the Constitution, will lead us to become a surveillance State.
Some provisions relating to authentication are however struck down.
Section 33(2) of Aadhaar Act struck down.
CBSE, NEET etc cannot mandate Aadhaar.
Section 33(1) read down; Individual should be given opportunity of hearing, Supreme Court.
Section 33(2) - officer should be above rank of Joint Secy
Section 47 should include provision for individual to file complaint.
Aadhaar cannot be mandatory for mobile connections; DoT notification to that effect unconstitutional.
Chandrachud J. starts pronouncement of his judgment.
concurs with Sikri J. On that aspect.
Aadhaar Act therefore cannot pass tests under Article 14, Chandrachud J.
Hence, Section 7 arbitrary and unconstitutional, Chandrachud J.
Propriety demands that Centre should have approached this Court for variation of its orders, Chandrachud J.
Next judgment on live streaming of Supreme Court proceedings.

Page 1- 567
Dissenting opinion of Justice Chandrachud - P 568 - 1048
Separate Opinion of Justice Ashok Bhushan - Pages - 1049-1448
#AadhaarVerdict #AadhaarJudgment #Aadhaar @UIDAI @ceo_uidai #SupremeCourt