Their thinking is, if you cut taxes on the rich, they invest and produce more, supply rises, and purchasing power rises with it so the poor are no longer poor with the same amount of money.
3 times we tried it. 3 times it failed.
When wealth is too concentrated, monopolies form, rent seeking starts, and the political power of billionaires starts dictating public policy and market decisions.
How's that a functioning market?
Yeah, we're producing a lot of stuff, and yeah, most people can get a job producing all that stuff if they want to.
But Republicans have lost sight of the fact that the end goal is supposed to be life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
How do you have the right to the pursuit of happiness without affordable education and child care?
And do you really have liberty when there are only 3 large employers and no right to bargain?
That's why I'm not a Republican. That's why I'm not impressed that GDP and unemployment are still doing well under Trump.
Because Trump has missed the point of government.