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Most recents (24)

1/ So #Republicans are passing bills in a number of red states forbidding anyone from using a bathroom that does not coincide with the sex they were assigned at birth, regardless of their current gender identity. I am wondering what it is they really want?
2/ Let’s do a little thought experiment. Caitlin Jenner is at the airport and she has to use the restroom. So she goes into the women’s room, one or more women in their get upset and make her leave. 3/ So then she goes into the men’s room next door, with her dress and long…
4/ hair, and some men get upset and make her leave (hopefully peacefully, although she is taking a risk no matter which restroom she goes into.) So where is she supposed to use the restroom? Perhaps there is a gender neutral restroom/toilet, perhaps there is not…
Read 10 tweets
wenn Ihr das mit weltweiten Militärs nicht klein bekommt, könnt Ihr Euch Streiterei #Democrats gegen #Republicans ersparen. Ganz ehrlich. Ihr #Amerikaner könnt Koffer packen & zu uns kommen oder Euch denen unterwerfen. Problem nicht ohne #Militärrecht, Ausnahmezustand zu lösen Image
2) das ist kein Scherz von mir. Das meine ich völlig ernst. Alle #Militärs der #Welt müssen Leute, die zu dieser #Verschwörung gehören wegen #Landesverrat verhaften. Niemand steht über dem #Gesetz. Niemand steht über dem #Staat. Reich hin o. her. Verhaften & wegen Landesverrat 3) ImageImage
3) vor Gericht. All diese Leute sind für weltweite #Katastrophen, #Kriege & #Armut mitverantwortlich. Die #Befreiung der #Erde wie Ihr es nennt, wird nie mit Fortsetzung dieser Struktur funktionieren. 5te Dimension, Weltfrieden, Kennedy Plan, G.e.s.a.r.a. alles hängt davon ab. Image
Read 16 tweets
#Wisconsin #Republicans are still pushing "The Big Lie.

But... all evidence says that the election was free & fair - it is the #GOP who are lying.

#DemVoice1 #WisDems…
#Wisconsin #Republicans submitted fraudulent

electors in the effort to steal the 2020 election - they

sent the slate of fake electors to the National Archive.

They will be prosecuted.

#DemVoice1 #WisDems…
#Republican traitors pressured VP Pence not to

fulfill his Constitutional duty to certify the election.

Most are still in office.

They are being investigated! There will be


#DemVoice1 #WisDems…
Read 5 tweets
🚩US gets 1m BARRELS less of #OIL as PELOSI & JILL BIDEN
are in MiddleEast
Both have kids w/ENERGY
FirstLady JillBiden
NancyPelosi spotted at extravagant celebration newlyweds
CrownPrinceHussein of Jordan +Rajwa Al Saif's marriage…
🚩 #KeystoneXLpipeline would have covered 1,947 kilometres from Hardisty, Alberta, to Steele City, Nebraska
capacity to carry
💥830,000 barrels per day💥 of crude from western Canadian oil fields to Gulf Coast refineries in the U.S.…. Image
🚩 #BIDEN STOPPED in 2021
#OIL IN ANWR has been an ongoing political controversy in USA since 1977
2017 #Republicans attempted to allow drilling in #ANWR
50 times finally being successful w/passage of
#TaxCutsandJobsAct of 2017….
Read 6 tweets
Euer #Trump hat im Auftrag der #Republicans eine Erpressung in #Deutschland (Europa) mit #FBI #CIA am laufen. #Biden steckt auch mit drin + grosse Teile der #Democrats auch. Diese sogenannte #TrumanShow läuft jetzt fast drei Jahre. Ich hoffe sehr, dass #RFKJr2024 nicht dabei ist.
2) die #TrumanShow in Bayern ist abgesagt. Sie heissen jetzt #Robinhood . Die selbst ernannten #Eliten bezahlen für das, was sie wollen und zwar Millionen. Egal, ob #Adel #Rep #Dem #Royalty damit ich es für ärmere Menschen preiswert liefern kann. Bedankt Euch bei #CIA #FBI 3)
3) die Geschäftemacherei des #RedCross und der #Johanniter (Dörnyei) ist vorbei. Und fühlen sie Caroline #Kennedy auf den Zahn, inwieweit sie gegen ihren Bruder arbeitet. Das ist nur ein Gerücht. Prüfen Sie es.
Read 10 tweets
Remember when?
❗️15 #Wisconsin elected #GOP wrote to VP Pence pressuring him to not to certify a free and fair election.
#WisGOP #Insurrectionists #Traitors
#DemVoice1 #WisDems #WiscoWarrior #WiUnion…
❗️Ten prominent mainstream WI Republicans are accused of fraudulently posing as electors to overturn President Biden’s election
- including the chair of the #WisGOP & a member of the ELECTIONS COMMISSION!…
#WisGOP fraudulent electors are going to court!

"Dane County Judge Frank Remington told attorneys in the case Wednesday that... the jury trial would begin Sept. 3, 2024..."

#WisDems #WiscoWarriors #DemVoice1…
Read 10 tweets
#Anonymous #OpGOP
Day 8/50 stills of exposing #GOP and #Republicans for their crimes against women and children while spouting their white evangelical Christian hatred.
We will not tolerate a #Fascist party #RepublicanTaliban
We hope you’ll join us in showing the world
1/5 ImageImageImageImage
#Anonymous #OpGOP
Day 8/50 stills of exposing #GOP and #Republicans for their crimes against women and children while spouting their white evangelical Christian hatred.
We will not tolerate a #Fascist party #RepublicanTaliban
We hope you’ll join us in showing the world
2/5 ImageImageImageImage
#Anonymous #OpGOP
Day 8/50 stills of exposing #GOP and #Republicans for their crimes against women and children while spouting their white evangelical Christian hatred.
We will not tolerate a #Fascist party #RepublicanTaliban
We hope you’ll join us in showing the world
3/5 ImageImageImageImage
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This topical article goes through the liberties stripped of the Americans in the last few generations, and accelerated in the last 3 years.…


The author points out the corruption of the deep state vis-a-vis @POTUS44, @HillaryClinton, and the @FBI interfering with the 2016 election. Image

The author points out the corruption of the deep state vis-a-vis @BarackObama authorizing the IRS under @LoisLernerIRS to target conservative not for profits such as the Tea Party Movement. Image
Read 25 tweets
Tell the #GOP: Pregnancy Is More Dangerous than Abortion
· Social shame
· Risk of serious illness, death, death, and disability
· Risk of diabetes
· Risk of pre-eclampsea
· Head aches – no medication
· Severe allergies – no meds
· Anxiety & depression – no meds
· Nausea and vomiting – may require hospitalization
· Weight gain
· Painful swelling of legs and feet
· Back pain from uncomfortable > excruciating
· Sleeplessness
· Cost of new clothing
· Transportation for health care
· Cost of medical appointments
· Interruption of education
· Interruption of career – falling behind
· Missing work/losing income
· No one will hire pregnant women
· Life long responsibility for another human being or
· Agonizing decisions about adoption & abortion
Read 5 tweets
🇨🇳 #RosemontSenecaBohai= #CCP CO-MINGLED
🚩 #FollowTheMoney expose how COMPROMISED
+FBI verified
#Bobulinski's claims of CEFC+China ties
#Burisma $83,333.33 pmts
in co-mingled
Bank Statement⬇️…

WHY Benefit #CCP 🇨🇳not 🇺🇸 ?
#HunterBiden sold US owned #COBALT Mine in Congo to #CCPChina

¬BIDEN puts 20 YEAR BAN on
Mining of US RenewableEnergy MINERALS

¬US passed #ChipsAct #Infrastructure rely ON MINED Materials…… ImageImageImageImage
🚩UnConstitional #ESJ #ESG
Uses SocialJustice

#SocialScore DigitalID:
+LIMITS EV #GeoFence
+BANS Bank loan
👋NO #2ndAm
+Reports #CarbonFootprint
Pay #PerMileTax
Read 22 tweets
Soviet Interference in the 1964 US Presidential Election:

Today we'll be examining a document that sheds light on the Soviet Union's experience with interference in a foreign presidential election.
#Soviet #US #Presidential #Election #Republicans #Democrats #UnitedStates #KGB Image
The note, dated September 1964, was signed by the head of the KGB and the deputy head of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ImageImage
In the document above, you can read the Soviet plan to interfere in the 1964 US elections, an action plan for implementing "active measures" in the upcoming US presidential election.

Document credits:
Read 12 tweets
Section 4
+Legal government surveillance of all US citizens
+Total control over your bank accounts/purchases…
+ability to silence all dissenting voices for good… Image
INFRINGES on #BillOfRights
🚩UnConstitional #DEI #ESG
#SocialScore DigitalID
Low ID:
+Restrict EV #GeoFence
+BAN Bank loans:
👋NO #2ndAm
+Reports PRIVACY DATA #CarbonFootprint
Pay #PerMileTax ImageImage
#SocialScore DigitalID
Low ID:
+Restrict EV #GeoFence
+BAN loan 4🔫GUNS
👋NO #2ndAm
+Reports PRIVACY DATA CarbonFootprint
Pay PerMileTax… Image
Read 5 tweets
#Trump cheats on his wife with a porn star, pays her off to stay quiet. He evades taxes, he shows loyalties to Russia, he sent a mob to storm the capital and attempt to over throw the U.S. government because he lost an election, he tried to go against the constitution
He stole classified documents. Being indicated on civilian charges, isn't a political attack. It isn't political persecution. It's the U.S. justice system at work. This is the constitution at work. Absolutely NO one is above the law. NO ONE. #TrumpIndictment
#trump and trump supporters all swear by the constitution swear by the laws now that their idol is being held bound by the same constitution and law, and its a "political persecution" being president doesn't pardon you from being held accountable for your actions #TrumpIndictment
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1. Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior, The Son Of God, The Way, The Truth, and The Life. There is only One God.
2. The Rainbow represents a promise, not a perversion. #TakingTheRainbowBack
3.Progressivism is the twisting of truth and an instrument of the devil.
4. God created the Male and Female. Just because the concepts of multiple genders has existed in Ancient times doesn't make it true. Just like saying the Jews are a rejected people. It is simply not true. (2/6)
5. Homosexuality is a sin. Do not think that God does not love you. He loves you so much, but He loves you too much to let you keep sinning. I ask any who are homosexual, please repent and turn to Christ. He loves you and wants to be with you! (3/6)
Read 7 tweets
XBB variants evade antibodies and are more likely to persist in organs

75% of U.S. substantial or high transmission levels

Coinfections are more severe

Multiple respiratory viruses are circulating at very high levels.

#MitchMcConnell, #Republicans, #Biden, #Democrats.
XBB.1.5 is over 89% of cases in the U.S.

XBB.1.5 has spawned over 20 sub-variants, many of which have new advantages.

Mutations are occurring more often in the body of the virus.

It's likely to find a combo to further suppress the T-cell response soon.
It is horrible that more immunocompromised & elderly are getting infected & dying with protections lifted.

The more immunocompromised infected, the more rapid the pace of evolution.

The direction it's headed isn't likely to be less dangerous.

More will suffer from #LongCovid
Read 8 tweets
This is a threaded version of Chapter 22:

“Better Off Than Fifty Years Ago?

“Rules Made to Benefit the Wealthy Are Now More Important Than Life”

of *Culture War, Class War 2022: Truth & Generations

by Michael Adzema

THREAD… #history #Blue

CW22 22/1
“[*Chapter 22 text begins:*] So these days you have the attitude, “A dollar laid is a dollar played”; people’s suffering is irrelevant to the game.”

THREAD #history #Blue #economics #Reagan #80s #politics #resist #Republicans #Reaganomics #60s

CW22 22/2
“*Foolin’ the People About History*

“*Obvious “Truths”:*

“*Reagan “saved” America.* [untrue truism]

“*Reagan rescued Americans from an oppressive tax burden.* [untrue truism]

READ/DWL BOOK...… #history #Blue #economics #Reagan #80s #politics

CW22 22/3
Read 139 tweets
Hey there #Indiana, we need to talk about the @indgop supermajority and their shameful version of Florida's "Don't Say Gay" law.…
#HB 1608 passed in the House last Thursday and will move onto the Senate this week. This disgraceful bill stigmatizes trans kids, as if they weren't struggling enough already.
#Hoosier #Republicans, already using state funds to subsidize religious education and already-wealthy private school parents, have now seen fit to single out the 0.006% of kids that identify as trans.
Read 9 tweets
LIVE now: the #NSABB is meeting to discuss the safety of work on pathogens: biosecurity, gain-of-function, dual-use research, counter-measures & vaccine R&D. W/some #Republicans claiming #SARSCoV2 arose from NIH-sponsored GOF work, this is a hot potato.…
Read 6 tweets
The instant that governments rolled out #relief funds so #quarantine-shuttered firms wouldn't fail and #covid-furloughed workers wouldn't starve, execs started rubbing their forelegs together, planning to raise prices and blame #inflation caused by giving money to The Poors. 1/ Humpty Dumpty, smashed and crying at the bottom of a wall. T
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
They weren't exactly subtle about it: the CEOs of America's largest companies got on their quarterly investor calls and chortled about the willingness of "consumers" to blame inflation for the price-hikes they were cramming down their throats:… 3/
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Lots of @WSJ & @elonmusk & #GOP chatter today about the US debt ceiling and the "need" to drastically slash federal social services, and raise taxes on poor and middle classes. Musk claims taxing billionaires won't "put a dent" in the national debt.

Let's look, shall we?

"FORTUNE 500 companies represent two-thirds of the U.S. GDP with $16.1 trillion in revenues (up 17%), $1.84 trillion in profits (up 114%), $37 trillion in market value (up 13%), and employ 29.7 million people worldwide."
- from @FortuneMagazine


But corporate taxes have steadily plummeted -- even for companies that had record windfalls due to #COVID19 #pandemic related earnings.…
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1/ This fight over @GOPLeader isn't really about McCarthy (though for some of the 20 it is). What this is about is the pending #debt ceiling fight likely in February. Here's what's going on (a thread)...
@GOPLeader 2/ 'Twas the night before Xmas (not exactly but close enough) & all thru the night, lobbyists were skulking the decorated hall of Congress, looking for handouts for their special interests. Everyone on Capitol Hill wanted to go home for the holidays so, w/o much debate,
@GOPLeader 3/ A group of elected officials pushed through a $1.7 Trillion spending bill w/o debate or even so much of a "Dear Colleague" letter. It was imperious. What upset some on the Hill the most was that the spending bill was chock full of goodies for Left-wing special interests.
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I am extremely disappointed to share that last night, the omnibus budget text was released and the cut to #ElectionInfrastructure funding was significant. Congress will dedicate just $75 million — identical to last year’s appropriation.
As a Republican and fmr Director of #Elections in an urban center of a conservative, "red state", I strongly encourage the leadership of my party to put aside their partisan differences and further invest in our nations election infrastructure.
Fellow #Republicans, we cannot have it both ways! Though I do not agree with many of his policies, @POTUS proposed an adequate $400 million to support our nations elections administrators. These funds are essential to funding new, advanced voting technologies,...
Read 6 tweets
⚠️ Even Republicans are all in on Washington's end-of-year spending spree #GOP #ampFW
⚠️ The first decision by @HouseGOP when they learned they had won a slim majority of 222 to 213 was to bring back earmarks. These are bridges to nowhere, peanut subsidies, and sports arenas for local professional teams paid for by federal taxpayers. #ampFW
⚠️ PREPOSTEROUS: "The size of this year's $1.7 trillion "omnibus" spending bill for fiscal 2023 #Christmas-wraps hundreds upon hundreds of billions of congressional spending in one giant gift box to special interests." #ampFW via @StephenMoore @dcexaminer
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It's World AIDS Day: time to take stock. Because there is no #HIV #vaccine and women can't compel men to use condoms, people continue to get newly infected. And because the majority of them live in poor parts of the world, the undeclared #pandemic is very expensive.
MORE Image
Inside the USA federal spending on HIV/AIDS $7.6 billion/year.
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Of that, about $780 million goes to the @CDCgov for prevention programs -- and much of that is passed onto the States.
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