I beat Kyoji. "You weren't playing dumb? We must've jumped the gun." They were apparently gunning for Kyo's KOF invite.
Mai: Maybe I did. If only I remembered where I put it... I'm pretty sure I didn't toss it in the trash...
Kyo questions if she even wants to go, and she admits she's not terribly up for it with Andy off visiting Terry in the US.
Sure, fair enough. Now to visit the shrine and pay some respects.
Soji: No, that's something very important to me. Sorry for the trouble.
On that note, we leave.
Kyo: Hey, Soji?
Soji: Yeah?
Kyo: Uh... On second thought, never mind.
Kyo: Sure, I'm down. I could go for a full Japanese-style date with Yuki for a change.
Mai: By all means! I've got a celebrity guest coming, so I'll be wearing the Shiranui family treasure.
Now we've got a date lined up.
"Him who?"
"Word has it all the local gangs and delinquents have been getting pounded into the dirt by one guy, someone named Yamazaki."
Benimaru thinks it has something to do with KOF coming up, and warns me to watch out.
Yuki: That sounds like the Orochi bloodline.
Kyo: Our bloodline isn't evil.
Soji: The times dictate what's good and what's evil.
I'll check in on this poll and play some more tomorrow!
King: No, you moron!
The problem is a strange disease that's been going around the area lately.
King: Hey, you were useful for once.
Kyo: Is that a compliment or an insult?
Mary uncovers something shocking—All of the patients have been given experimental drugs from that one pharmaceutical company.
Turns out the client that hired Mary was Geese himself.
G: That sorry double died without ever knowing he was dancing on my strings all along.
K: Well, I can count three people here NOT dancing on your strings.
Andy: Yeah. It would only be polite to kick his ass.
Geese: Posture all you like. I have better things to do than fight a battle I know I'd win.
Terry: You're not getting away!
Mr. Big: This is the busiest part of town, especially for businesses. The bank over there helps me with money-laundering.
Mr. Big: So, what do you think now?
Kyo: I think that put a sour taste in my mouth.
Chizuru: Her mind can't take any more punishment. You people wouldn't want anything happening to her, right?
Chris: There's no stopping it now, you know. You can stop the body from rioting, but you'll never stop the Orochi Blood Riot.
Kyo: It was rough having him hospitalized during last year's tournament, huh.
King: I'd like to at least spend this vacation with him.
Kyo: Okay, sorry to bother you. Hit me up if you change your mind.
She's got more pressing concerns, though. She got a call that Jean injured a tourist boy and went missing. She was about to go looking for him. We'll help.
Jean: Don't you and my sis beat people up in the tournament? Is my sister bad?
Kyo: You've got a point, but—hey, wait!
Jean: She is not! She cares more about the tournament than me.
Kyo: That's not true. King cares a lot about you—
Jean: You're lying! You came to invite her to your team! I wish you'd never shown up!
Kyo: Well—Hey, wait!
Jean: But he got injured. I've been hospitalized before, I know what that's like. I... I injured someone. No one knows how I feel!
Kyo: He was a punk picking on soft targets. He deserved to get hurt.
Jean: ...Wait. Is he hurt bad?
Kyo: Nah, it's just a scratch.
Jean: That's... That's good.
Kyo: Whoa, easy there, let's not go crazy. You never ask favors. Just make it an order.
Heidern: I'd rather not, but if you insist.
Kyo: Lay it on me.
King: See for yourself. Have a seat.
2) Kyo: Bar seats are more expensive, you know.
King: This isn't a sushi bar, silly.
3) Kyo: If you're not in the mood, I can leave.
King: Oh, just grab a seat next to me already.
King: Ugh. Men.
2) Kyo: That's just what I wanted to hear.
King: Well, you heard it.
3) Kyo: You scared me there.
King: What's that supposed to mean?!
Chizuru: I should hope so. This is my day job.
3) Kyo: But I came to see you.
Chizuru: Next time, check a calendar first. I'm free on Butsumetsu days.
(See here for Butsumetsu info en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_…)

Athena: ...
Kensou: Why'd you go quiet?
Athena's worried about Yuki. She didn't show up at school today. She thinks I owe Yuki an apology for flaking out on the date and hurting her feelings.
Chizuru: I wish I had enough info to justify that complaint.
Chizuru suggests that if we've looked this hard and haven't found her, Yuki might not be in the country at this point.
Ryo: You're giving up on getting Kyokugen Karate on your team just like that? That's a shame.
3) Kyo: I'm not giving up on it.
Ryo: You shouldn't! There's no better ally than a Kyokugen practitioner!
Robert's not happy being stuck in a drab office, swamped in paperwork, surrounded by a bunch of yes-men who are all talk and no action.
1) His ridiculous outfit
2) KOF Kyo has Joe's FF2 theme, which is now also added to Smash! Here's my favorite arrange of it.
Choi: No fair! You can't pick me up, that's cheating!
Yamazaki: Are you seriously gonna talk about fairness when you're slashing around with those damn claws, shrimp? Want me to take those claws and gouge out yer eyes with 'em?!
Choi: Anything but that!
Shingo: Mr. Kusanagi, Leona's in trouble!
Kyo: She doesn't look like she's in trouble to me.
Mary: Oh, now you're asking the same question he was? Are you sure you two aren't secretly in cahoots?
Kyo's response to all three of these is the same: "That ain't funny even as a joke."
Mary: Shh. Quiet. That group in the back, that's the bank gang. The lady by the window is a marriage scammer.
As Chizuru once used the tournament to seal Orochi, they now use it to overcome the riot. But that can't be all there is to it.
Orochi: Conflict... calls me. And now... I call more conflict.
Kyo: What do you want?
Orochi: War. Slaughter. Destruction. To unleash the power of the Orochi scions.
Chizuru: It's too late now. The Head of Orochi's soul has left Chris's body.
Kyo: ...Hold it, Yagami.
Iori: You have something to say?
Kyo: You know what.
Iori: Is this about me not helping?
Kyo: You had one job, and you screwed it up. Why live on now?
Chizuru: Kusanagi plans to free him from Orochi's blood by defeating him, and deep down, that's what Yagami wants. Their fight is one we must not interfere with. A fight that's lasted for 1,800 years...