Why is the Parker #SolarProbe launching at night?
Because during the day it would be too hot to visit the sun...

#NASAsocial #SolarProbe

It will affect astronauts, yes, but also everyone who uses GPS, cell phones, radio, etc...
This will be the first time I've seen a night launch. When I saw the shuttle launch I was shocked at how *bright* it was.
#NASAsocial #SolarProbe
Around me, the low hum of excited voices.
#NASAsocial #SolarProbe
#NASAsocial #SolarProbe
Then they say, "Watch with your eyes. Not the camera. For the first...be HERE."
#NASAsocial #SolarProbe
There will be a hold at t-minus 4, which is standard for every launch for last looks.
#NASAsocial #SolarProbe
Then we got to "No Go conditions BME-7." Folks here groaned.
They are going to report on what that means shortly.
#NASAsocial #SolarProbe
#NASAsocial #SolarProbe
Given the years of work sitting on the launch pad, and the fact that there is ONE chance to get it right...Err on the side of caution.
#NASAsocial #SolarProbe
Nah. I'm sure there's no correlation between that and the No-Go conditions.
Go Parker #SolarProbe!
#NASAsocial #SolarProbe
Comm hesitated and we all got tense.
"You have permission to launch."
Everyone here cheered!
#NASAsocial #SolarProbe
Make sure you are watching NASA tv nasa.gov/nasalive/
#NASASocial #SolarProbe
Everyone is dead quiet here.
They've reset the clock to 4 minutes and holding.
#NASASocial #SolarProbe
Excuse me, while I go reschedule my flight...
#NASASocial #SolarProbe