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Thread by @cricketcrocker: "Okay so, I see the canonization of HRC has begun. Woke white women, why are you teaching your children that someone who hates brown and Blac […]"

, 16 tweets, 3 min read
Okay so, I see the canonization of HRC has begun.

Woke white women, why are you teaching your children that someone who hates brown and Black people (and Black men especially) is a sort of saint under whose rule the world would be safe?

You know better, knock it off.
I see you, scientists. I see you, white liberal women scientists who retweet the heck out of MeToo and child jails but say nothing about BLM and MMIW.

I see you, bragging about your daughters' indoctrination into the white feminist narrative that HRC is good, kind and peaceful.
You want to pretend you're not part of the problem. You want to pretend that you're so much better than the GOP who keep quiet out of fear of irascible, unpredictable, hateful, hot-tempered POTUS.
Know what? You're exactly the problem.

You don't even have the courage to stand in the light as an enemy. You rely on the cultural construction of white cis womanhood as innocent, and from there you undermine, harm, and endanger BIPOC.
You can LIKE HRC. You can ADMIRE her. You can wish she were president.

That does NOT indemnify you. You have a moral responsibility to acknowledge that no, she is not perfect. You have an ethical responsibility to take a position AGAINST your fave when and where she's a problem.
And you can all go to hell for teaching your children that she's peaceful, when we all know she called Black men superpredators, has done nothing to reverse the cultural movement of "Blue Lives M****", and cosigned the Morton County Police vicious attacks on unarmed Native kids.
You can all go to hell for teaching your children that she's kind, when she's okayed the bombing of ~entire towns~ of brown foreigners on their own soil.
You can all go die in a very small very uncomfortable hole, and I hope you fckn do, because you have MORE than enough information to do better and you STILL REFUSE because it would ruin your enjoyment of your perception of yourselves as brave resistance fighters.
The only thing you resist is seeing yourselves as the placating sycophantic passively white supremacist collaborators that you are.

Do goddamn better. Goddammit.
Oh, and this whole thing about "well children are innocent and deserve heroes and reality is so harsh"

Sorry, you want to preserve innocence for your kids at the expense of literally everyone else's? Black kids face this reality. Native kids face this reality.

You demand it.
So pardon me if I don't accept your claim that your precious angels are too innocent to face the brutal realities that you collaborate in enforcing on all the other children.

If you tweet politics that explicitly involves your child, you are still fair game for criticism. It's not about your parenting. It's about your political expression.
White cis women have the privilege of seeming Entirely Innocent because that's how white supremacist culture has constructed their role.

Everyone else's children are de jure politicized. You add your white girlchild to a political tweet?

Congratulations, you opted in.
People probably shouldn't attack your kid. And nobody has.

We're absolutely allowed to attack your political speech, especially when it is uncritical and downright ERASING of the myriad harms done to our/marginalized communities by the person you're lionizing.
What we present to the world on here is a curated version of ourselves.

If your curated version of yourself shows you up as an uncritical collaborator with white supremacy in the form of white feminism?

That's pretty damning.
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