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Thread by @cricketcrocker: "Okay. Okay. <taps mic> Here's the thing. I am overjoyed, thrilled, and grateful to see what I am interpreting as the gates (the ones k […]"

11 tweets, 2 min read
Okay. Okay.

<taps mic>

Here's the thing. I am overjoyed, thrilled, and grateful to see what I am interpreting as the gates (the ones kept by science gatekeepers) being ajar and potentially open to indigenous knowledge.
Simultaneously, I am furious that what it takes for me to discover this, is dressing up indigenous knowledge in language that is deemed 'sufficiently smart' by the academy.
Gwen Benaway did a great thread recently about how poetry written by indgenous people is often coded as 'plain' and 'simple' and 'raw', and how those words are used to other and dismiss the messages and humanity of the writers.
The fact that my writing about indigenous knowledge gets amplified is a huge privilege and I'm SO grateful for it

The fact that my writing about indigenous knowledge is considered worth amplifying is a function of privilege. It's a result of colonized concepts of worth and value
It is on me to use that privilege to lift up the people who do not have it, and I intend to continue my work doing just that.

My goal is not to profit out of this, and it is not okay that the reason I get to be listened to is my formal education and formal locution.
But whether or not it is my goal, I still gain.

It's on me to give to my community (communities) more than I extract. To remember that my privilege doesn't make me better

And it's on me to keep doing the work. The gates might be open a little right now. It's my job to push them
It's not ONLY my job, but it's my responsibility.

So today I have joy, and I have anger, and most of all I have this poignant, substantial, heartbreaking, fight-affirming reminder of the ways that settler colonialism privileges me, and fuels my determination to break it down.
I am not better than anyone.

I am lucky, with luck shaped by the hatred leveled at my people, and others.

I have not forgotten, I will not forget.

And, to all my relatives, please know that if I could smash it right this second, I would not hesitate.
I am working against it the best way I know how, and that doesn't excuse my privilege or give me a pass.

I am here to lift up others. The last few days, my voice has been lifted. I am grateful for that.

But in the larger picture, that hasn't changed a thing.
Here's what I'm talking about…
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