Frisiello in Boston:…
Allen in Utah:…
You have to read at least the above press releases to know the basics of each.
>Offending occurred in 2015, 2016, 2017, & 2018.
>Wide range of political & personal targets.
>Arrested on 3/1/18, pleaded guilty on 10/17/18 to 19 counts.
>Sentencing is scheduled for 1/16/19.
>Also targeted Democrats.
>Supported the short sentence given to Brock Turner.
>Home confinement continues.
>Agreed not to appeal his sentence if he receives a penalty of 7 years, 3 months or less.…
Bear in mind the agencies involved:
The Secret Service have the will, authority & resources to stop Frisiello.
Attacking the state judge was wrong & evil.
The sentence could end up longer anyway.
But, remember what a 7 year prison sentence means for him at age 25:
In the big picture, the plea deal is not all bad.
Federal judges know 2 things:
>liberal defense attorneys are well resourced to delay a case for years,
>they're about to get super busy.
Always #VoteGOP.