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Nov 23rd 2022
Ok maybe I am 5th quadrant stupid.
But can someone please explain to me wtf is going on here? From the #tron #DAO page....$39.5Billion
Almost all of it is #tether that alone rings more alarm bells than the #hunchback on a 5 day bender mainlining #meth
But its nothing compared to this....I mean wtf....risk free yield 45% on USDT???

#tron #ponzi #fraud #stablecoin #shitcoins #tether
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Aug 28th 2020
Some fcukin bastards do not deserve ANY mercy. They take our money, our taxes and build bungalows for themselves, YES I am looking at your #Matoshri. They travel in range rovers (hi AU) while ppl in #Mumbai get crushed in trains. They drink in 5 star bars while bridges ..
fall on their damn heads. They pollute #Mumbai with hard drugs (not talking about weed) but #meth, #cocaine, #LSD, #MDMA and ruin our youth through it. They can bring in ‘maal’ from #Malaysia, #Nepal, #Afghanistan but cannot feed the poor on the streets in the city. They run..
over homeless ppl sleeping on streets and then make bakchod movies & shows like #Tubelight & #BiggBoss14 and we are expected to pay to watch that shit. They pay #ViralBhayani & #ManavManglani etc to take photos of #Diwali parties with their wives but don’t tell you about how ..
Read 12 tweets
May 18th 2020
#Myanmar has seized 18 tons of #meth, precursors materials & other drugs in #Shan state making it the largest synthetic drug seizures in the history of East & #SoutheastAsia. This comes on back of recent new @UNODC_SEAP report that drug trade is thriving amidst #COVID19 in region ImageImageImage
The massive drug haul has led to the arrest of 33 people, showed evidence of #militia involvement & dismantled major drug labs. @UNODC_SEAP @jdouglasSEA says "What has been unearthed through this operation is truly off-the-charts" Image
@UNODC_SEAP @jdouglasSEA points out the massive drug haul in #Myanmar clearly shows the "involvement and financial backing of serious transnational organized criminal groups”. This is consistent with the latest regional drug report released last week… ImageImageImageImage
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May 15th 2020
As the world focuses on combating #coronovirus, @UNODC_SEAP warns in a new report, the synthetic #drug market in #SoutheastAsia is expanding, diversifying. Another concern - methamphetamine price has dropped to lowest level in 10 years as supply surges. Image
@UNODC @yasdre says organized crime groups can then supply better quality #meth at cheaper prices. This leads to greater affordability, enabling more users to have access to meth. Purity of the drugs has also increased. #UNODC calls this a "worrisome scenario" in #SoutheastAsia ImageImageImageImage
@UNODC_SEAP @jdouglasSEA points out the "illicit drug market here is at a tipping point" as region is seeing a rise of dangerous synthetic opioids & its production is "migrating into places with deep governance problems like the Golden Triangle", making region an opioids source ImageImageImageImage
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Oct 17th 2019
Excited to share that our #GHB paper is now out in @AddictionJrnl.
With @RoseCrossin @foruharmoayeri @DebbieScott16 and team @TurningPointAU @MonashAddiction
Trends in GHB‐related harms 2012‐2018 in Victoria
Spoiler alert, 147% rise
Highlights here->
What we did: looked at ambulance callouts for #GHB alone vs for co-use w other drugs (eg. #methamphetamine, #alcohol)
What we found: Overall #GHB presentations increased 147%, peaking in 2017 at 1339 callouts. This increase was largely driven by #GHB+#methamphetamine use together
#methamphetamine #ice co-use was >6x more likely to result in ambulance callouts than co-use with other drugs e.g. alcohol; and more #mentalhealth symptoms e.g. psychosis or anxiety.
Read 13 tweets
Apr 18th 2019
#BigIfTrue AG Barr begged POTUS to resign after he read the report but it was maybe a rumor, kinda, but no seriously. #Meth
Okay never mind, it’s going to take awhile to analyze carefully (aka coordinate) but by Sunday he’s totes getting impeached. #METH
Oh my, Sec. Pompeo was probably at the White House so he could also resign before he gets prosecuted because HE leaked the Comey investigation to the press, it’s just a maybe but you know #METH ⚗️
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