LOW latency means you are responsive, and can complete any single small task quickly. Think of a “low latency” videogame or webpage, which doesn’t have lag/delays
HIGH bandwidth means you can complete a LOT of tasks, and they can be big and challenging, but not quickly
Optimizing for human interaction + high bandwidth = coach mode
Makes sense to have occasional, high intensity sessions w/ ppl, preferably in person, but not so often you become a babysitter

For me it is always obvious What I should be doing, and the Why is either obvious or irrelevant. So all my attention is focused on How
Helps you learn new things in new ways, empathize/communicate with others, reveal blind spots, and solve new kinds of problems (or for you human lovers, meet new kinds of ppl)
Much less written for Coaches & Hackers, I think because these modes have to be learned on the job