To help you get 2019 off to a strong start, here are my top productivity hacks, advice and tips assembled over 20 years of personal focus on improving productivity.
#productivity #HappyNewYear2019 #workplace
Getting it out of your head will help you sleep better and get a faster start in the morning.
It will save you a lot of time when you pick it up again, even if it's just an hour later.
Interruptions kill productivity and letting your phone grab your attention at will guarantees interruptions constantly. Schedule calls or return messages when you take a break.
If you like mobile games, get another device and leave it at home.
No more feeling guilty for exercising or sleeping, they are part of your job.
Getting your mind to think in new ways is the best way to generate new ideas in anything you do.
Your best work happens when it comes naturally, forcing it will only lead to burn out and mediocre results.
Asking is scary, no one wants to hear about their faults, but facing them head on is better than avoiding them.
Everyone wins, allow yourself a pat on the back.
I do all of these things myself, if you have questions or need help just ask me!