, 15 tweets, 2 min read Read on Twitter
Have you ever really looked at some of the library code we use every day (or used to)?

Let's look at underscore's "sample" method, which produces some amazing surprises if you poke at it a little.
The docs say: _.sample(list, [n])

Produce a random sample from the list. Pass a number to return n random elements from the list. Otherwise a single random item will be returned.

Easy enough?
First up: What is the time complexity of this operation?

I can't fit the answer in a tweet because there are too many cases.

e.g., _.sample(a, 1) is slower than _.sample(a)

The function is never time-efficient (a 1,000-element array is entirely shuffled to pluck two values).
Next: Allocations?

Again, depends on how it's called. For n != undefined, the array is always copied in its entirety (!!!) even if only sampling a small # of elements (isn't this the intended use case?)
What are the error conditions?

_.sample({ height: "10", width: "10", length: "10" }) is "10"
_.sample({ height: 10, width: 10, length: 10 }) is undefined
_.sample({ height: 10, width: 10, length: 10 }, 1) throws "sample.slice is not a function"
More edge cases?

_.sample(2, [3, 4]) returns [], but _.sample(2) returns undefined

[1, 2, 3].map(_.sample.bind(_, [3, 4, 5]) returns something like [[5], 3, 4] - have fun explaining that one
I bet this works with strings, right? Strings are list-ish?

_.sample("abcdef") returns a random character, as expected
_.sample("abcdef", 3) is *always* "abc"
_.sample("abc", "abc") is ""
So this function doesn't even always return an array, even for 'n' > 1

Underscore was built for size, not speed/predictability, but it's still *incredibly* hard just to describe the behavior of this function. I only tweet about TypeScript, though, so what's the connection?
DefinitelyTyped's job is, in part, to:
1) Figure out all the rules the docs don't explain
2) Get people to agree on which of those behaviors constitute "errors"
3) Explain that behavior to a computer using a general-purpose DSL
So sometimes I hear "Type definitions are too complex" and really my response is that it isn't the definitions that are too complex, it's the library behavior. The *true* documentation for "sample" alone would span several written pages.
If you come across some code that is heavily indirected and just says _.sample(obj, arg) you can literally say nothing about the return value without knowing a *lot* about both arguments. Isn't that... bad? Principle of Least Astonishment?
Complexity, huge amounts of it, is routinely hidden behind badly-documented library-specific coercion algorithms for the sake of presenting what appears to be a "smaller" API surface area.
In a reasonable world, 'sample' throws on non-array inputs, does the right thing on strings instead of nonsense, and you call sampleKeys or sampleValues to sample from objects.
This isn't me dynamic-shaming you, it's that a function should do one predictable job, not guesstimate your intent. You can write dynamic code without having five layers of "Does X if Y is Z, otherwise does Q to M when A is present"
My hope is that long-term, people write functions whose behavior is *easy* to describe, both to a human and to a machine.
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