And Boris Johnson decided to exploit that to beef up his euro sceptic credentials to grease his way into Downing Street.
All the Tories had to do was admit they did wrong, look how divided the country was, Scotland, Ireland etc.
But they didn't. Or Theresa May didn't. And this is where a problem became a disaster
And it was now Theresa May's obsession with foreigners that made her think she could use Article 50 to get them out of the country
Only a racist would ever have imagined they would.
What. A. Fucking. Twat.
And they said no. You are not going to misuse the treaties this way. Article 50 is not a toy. If you give that notice, you will not get a treaty renegotiation. You will leave.
She never remotely imagined that she would actually have to dissolve our membership, and nothing to replace it when we left.
never did it occur to her that this might happen.
I mean, they're trying not to show it, but Jesus, the fear oozing out of them. they stink of it.
But the whole English piddling class has been so lobotomised by the referendum three years ago, they've lost all proportion
Theresa May has got herself jammed solid. can't get a treaty, daren't leave without one, can't turn back.
Now she will resign. Like I said she would all along.