So listen up, because I'm about to give you my answer as well as something much better: answers from *actual experts*.
👋it's 2019👋
Also, observability is something you should affirmatively WANT to use a third-party service in the cloud for. Let's think this through...
Now you have n^2 problems. *And* you're stumbling around in a closet blind drunk."
And who monitors your monitoring systems?
wait, so now nobody will know how long it takes me to compose shit? i can edit? THIS FEELS LIKE CHEATING
"in order to protect against human error, infra bugs, and availability zone outages, in order to preserve your ability to debug during outages; the best solution is to outsource your o11y. Use a service."
whatever the vendor may cost, it won't compare with that.
Well first of all, it's important to distinguish operational data from auditable data. I wrote a whole long-ass thread about this a few months ago, so read that.
or you can just use the honeycomb beelines, they do everything automagically. For extra scrubbage, one-way hash column values before you flush to disk: retains analytic value.
I just posted a three-piece series of guest posts on my blog to answer this question: "how can I get security to let me use a vendor for my observability?"
Has a super handy worksheet for you to fill out before approaching your security team. (Useful for vendors to fill out beforehand, too!)…