Why has #DnD surged so much in the past few years and what ingredients came together to encourage this upswing in visibility and enthusiasm?
Lemme thread this-
- A young audience hungry for unique experiences and looking for personalized entertainment. Tabletop RPGs like #DnD are infinity customizable and don't have to be expensive.
For a lot of young players, #DnD is literally a safe space for their dreams.
#DnD also has an older generation that's highly nostalgic for their own empowering days of yore. Many of them are old enough to have kids who are ready to start playing.
How to show new players how the game worked and get them enthusiastic to try it out? How to share the best version of the experience with people to get them engaged?
Now you get to enjoy a really entertaining game and see how the game works at your own pace. You see people enjoy the hell out of it. They're engaged and you want to be a part of something joyous like that.
- Nostalgic older players, many with kids.
- New young players who want to customize their entertainment and make things.
- Playcasts breaking gate keeping.
- Celebrity gamers increasing visibility and breaking the cliches of who games.
What if you could spend quality time with friends, collaborating on something unique and special?
#DnD is sports team camaraderie (dice/stats/winning) with the creativity of a drama club (story/character).
I'm a writer thanks to #DnD.
#DnD as empowerment, as storytelling, as goofy fun, as an empathy engine...all of it.
They get it.
When the upswing happened, they recognized the shift and swiftly built on it.