We're pressing on, cuz why not?
"It certainly better supports video," Stafford says, but it's about the "ever-increasing use" of data for apps, etc. Pretty much everything you do with your phone.
It's using a different part of the spectrum, Stafford says. (I chatted with someone yesterday who said a similar thing. It uses shorter wavelengths, millimeter waves, versus microwaves.)
(Though, to be fair, my own understanding of this technology is somewhat limited is well.)
Stafford: Your cell phone doesn't plug into fiber.
"It started as something worse for local governments," and in other states law says you have to allow it, but you have to pay for upgrades as a city.
Brian Beary, with parks and rec, notes that city already leases space at Fire Station 5 to AT&T and Valmont Butte to Verizon, AT&T and Sprint.
That's possible, staff says.
Brockett clarifies: Bc we are the property owner, we have more leeway.
Stafford: That's true. We can do more (or less, rather) than we are allowed to in right-of-way
Brockett: It's voluntary for them, but we wouldn't have to allow a carrier to mount equipment next to them.
Gagnong: Whether it's 4G or 5G, it's regulated by the FCC.
Audience scoffs skeptically.
Dif between 4G and 5G, it's a different frequency spectrum we're looking to deploy. No plans in Boulder yet, but it's a much higher frequency.
Best way to describe it is that we can have them test at the lower levels to see where we are in regards to the FCC limits. In CO, we find that generally the concern is for workers on the roofs.
Verizon looked at numerous sites. I've personally looked at 3-4, but we can't make it work. I haven't considered right of way in this area yet. If this happens, maybe we reevaluate.
Audience claps. Another reprimand from Jones.
Well, that explains a lot.
LOL Anyll
Yates: "Controlling our destiny is better than not controlling it."
"Tell me how this is different." She says.
Carlisle: "It is not just 5G. It doesn't make sense to me that we would move forward with this lease. It's a contradiction."