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Oct 23rd 2022
Alex #Jones décrit de belle manière le plan des globalistes et du Nouvel Ordre Mondial.

«Oui il y a eu des empires corrompus.
Oui il y a eu des manipulations.
Oui il y a des sociétés secrètes.
Oui il y a eu des oligarques dans l’Histoire. ⤵️
Et oui aujourd’hui en 2002, il y a une organisation tyrannique qui s’appelle ELLE-MÊME “Nouvel Ordre Mondial” !
Et qui pousse pour un gouvernement mondial.
Pour une société sans cash (N.B: liquide ou monnaie fiduciaire en langage plus soutenu).
Pour des frontières ouvertes. ⤵️
Pour une tyrannie totale et complète...où la vie des êtres humains n’a plus de valeur.
Il y a 6,25 milliards d’entre nous...
Je l’ai dit plein de fois, on est trop nombreux et on leur cause des problè il faut nous réduire de 80%.(...)"
Read 4 tweets
Apr 23rd 2022
"[French SKARNET/SKARTEL] is the only thing I have seen that connects SIPPER[.]RU with Yota. [...] Also I will ask other parties that speculated on sipper = 11 voip or sip service11, why did they think that?"

#tinadoug #Jones
What is SIPPER[.]RU?

I swear, I've seen that before...
Read 4 tweets
Mar 21st 2022
Sigue el ciclo temático #DiscosConArte para #TwitterCultural, con portadas de discos de #música creadas por grandes artistas.

¿Os suena esta portada? Seguro que sí: es "Dangerous", uno de los discos más famosos de Michael #Jackson. Hablemos de su arte y otros discos...

Empezaban los 90s y Michael #Jackson, que sabía de música, entendió que el #pop de "Thriller" y "Bad" se estaba pasando de moda, así que quería (necesitaba) renovarse: despidió al legendario Quincy #Jones y contrató a Teddy #Riley.

Y en el 91 salió "#Dangerous".

Sigue ⬇️
"Dangerous" fue un bombazo ecléctico, una evolución de Jackson y una obra maestra revolucionaria. Hay de todo en ese disco: rap, soul, funk, R&B, swing... y todo muy moderno.
Y respecto del arte, también quería algo nuevo, diferente, y contrató al artista Mark #Ryden.

Read 20 tweets
Nov 16th 2021
Here is President Franklin Roosevelt's hasty sketch that led to design of Bethesda Naval Hospital (now Walter Reed) in late 1930s—he liked the Nebraska State Capitol tower and mimicked it: @thereidout. @joyannreid
@thereidout @JoyAnnReid FDR also got personally involved in infrastructure project of National Airport DC (now Reagan), opened eighty years ago this year—he also watched the first plan (DC-3) officially landing on its runway:
@thereidout @JoyAnnReid FDR encouraged the idea of basing the design of main National Airport terminal (1941) on nearby Mount Vernon as a tribute to George Washington:
Read 5 tweets
May 30th 2021
Met het spelen van de CL-finale kwam het (Europese) voetbalseizoen 2020/2021 gisteren officieel tot het einde. Dat leek ons een mooi moment een overzicht te maken van al onze oud-spelers die afgelopen seizoen in het buitenland actief zijn geweest. #BakensSeizoensoverzicht (1/61)
Kevin #Diks werd andermaal verhuurd door Fiorentina aan het Deense Aarhus. De rechtsback maakte indruk. Hij speelde 30 wedstrijden, en scoorde daarin 8 keer. Hij hielp zijn club om zich te plaatsen voor de play-offs van de Conference League (2/61)
Kelvin #Leerdam haalde voor het tweede jaar op rij de finale van de MLS. Dit keer verloren zijn Seattle Sounders de finale. Na het seizoen verkaste de verdediger naar Inter Miami, waar hij vooralsnog geen basisplaats heeft Hij maakte wel zijn debuut voor Suriname. (3/62)
Read 61 tweets
Sep 14th 2018
(1) HW's running thread of info/updates about #Florence and any other Atlantic storms developing at the moment.

My two previous threads:

Landfall at 7.15am 9/14/18 near Wrightsville Beach, NC:

(2) I'm following updates on these Twitter lists:

16 key national info sources for hurricanes & other emergencies:…

EM agency accounts in 11 Atlantic states from GA to NY and inland:…
(3) Also finding the Weather Channel coverage valuable. Watching it here:…
Read 32 tweets
Sep 7th 2018
Twitter Exposes Its Politically Motivated #Censorship Policy In Banning Of #AlexJones…
.@TwitterSafety posted a hypocritical statement on the ban, alluding to ‘past violations’ of Twitter rules, even though @Jack Dorsey was previously forced to defend Twitter not having banned Jones by stating outright that Jones had not violated Twitter policy.
Essentially, in suspending #Jones, Twitter is attempting to have its cake and eat it too – but in doing so, the company exposes the enforcement of its rules as both arbitrary and political. This must raise the alarm among those who value free speech in the dawn of a digital age.
Read 8 tweets
Aug 21st 2018
According to #Jones Abiri, at DSS cells he met many suspected members of MASSOB, IPOB, Ombatse, Boko Haram etc 'who are yet to be charged for any offence.'

APC & human rights: it is troubling that a professor of Law & an SAN is part of this APC govt.…
Jones Abiri further says that at the DSS, he was 'blindfolded, beaten with metal object & was held in an underground facility where he slept on bare floor & later papers, with poor feeding & medical attention for 2 years'.

Are these people human beings?…
In addition, John Abiri said that 'he shared the cell room of about 12x12 with 26 other suspects'.

How can Yemi Osibanjo's humanity, christian conscience, law professorship & SAN status accommodate such huge human rights violation?

Egwu di!…
Read 3 tweets
Apr 11th 2018
As yesterday was Israel’s National holocaust memorial day where six million Jews were sent to their deaths, it seems appropriate to write a thread explaining both the real #FarRight and the #FarLeft in Britain and their obsession with the Jews. 1/17
Why have #Labour under #Corbyn got so much in common with the #BNP under #NickGriffin that both he and the Daily Stormer have endorsed the #Labour Party? They must undoubtedly now be the broadest of broad churches. 2/17
Most of my followers will have heard of the horseshoe theory. The theory is both the #FarLeft and #FarRight at the extremes are so alike they almost touch. Both are totalitarian, authoritarian, anti-Semetic and hate filled. 3/17
Read 17 tweets
Dec 12th 2017
Bon on débute le #livetweet de l'élection sénatoriale partielle d'#Alabama avec 1 rappel usuel pour mes followers: si les sondages sortie des urnes (#exitpolls)étaient 1 outil prédictif, Gore et Kerry auraient été présidents US.Bref,pour…
2)On peut d'ailleurs s'étonner que @CNN renouvelle l'expérience"#exitpolls" sur cette sénatoriale partielle d'#Alabama alors que certains médias ne cessent de les remettre en…
3) Plutôt que de gloser sur les exitpolls, rappelons les"intangibles" de l'élection comme on dit aux #EtatsUnis. L'#Alabama n'a pas élu 1 sénateur démocrate depuis 1992(en fait depuis 1990, car en 1992 c'était Shelby l'autre sénateur actuel, passé républicain en 1994 qui fut élu)
Read 37 tweets

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