As I just told you on the phone, I’m grateful that you picked up & took my call but I was pretty surprised when you hung up on me.
As I said, I would like to ask you to please post the financial statements for @ProgressAlberta at your website.
As I said on the phone, I notice that @ProgressAlberta has been funded via Tides as part of The Tar Sands Campaign to LAND-LOCK Canadian oil & keep it out of overseas markets.
2016: US$38,599
2017: US$24,282
Tax records attached.
My questions are ...

1) Has @ProgressAlberta received $ from:
- New Venture Fund
- Tides Canada Initiatives
- Renew Canada
2) Would you pls post financial statements for @ProgressAlberta on-line?
Given that you are campaigning hard, these are fair questions, no?
@duncankinney #abvote
From your own email (below), sounds like @ProgressAlberta is spending a lot on “digital door-knocking:”
- training
- free food
- laptops & tablets
- “texting technology”
And you have employees.
At least 5, no?
How does @ProgressAlberta pay for all this?