I wish you great success not only for Alberta but for Canada.
I fully agree with you that the case needs to be made to all that the Alberta oil industry will meet Canadians very high expectations for stewardship of the environment. That must be done. But...
This has become a rite of passage.
... (I’ll go on for a bit) ...
... (more) ...
Was it against @NorthernGateway, or KXL or @TransMtn? We didn’t know.
But now we do.
Now we know because...
See: corpethics.org/the-tar-sands-…
Pretty clear, no?
- You put on a carbon cap.
- You increased the carbon tax.
- You created the world’s largest boreal forest preserve.
You’ve done verything the activists asked for - but still, the activism against Alberta goes on.
But who knew ?!
Here's an excerpt from Google Foundation's 2016 tax return showing payment to Tides (@TidesCommunity) for US$69 MILLION (2016):

But again, who knew?
Pretty clear statements, no?

Again, read more here: corpethics.org/the-tar-sands-…

Renewable energy, energy efficiency & energy security, that’s all good. Let’s work 2gether on that.
BUT ... !!! ...
#TarSandsCampaign isn’t helping the environment one bit.
It’s time that #TarSandsCampaign comes to an end.
I admire your approach.
Fair. Firm.
I believe in you, Premier Notley.
I am confident that you & your team actually, really could break the U.S. monopoly on our oil than is keeping Canada over a barrel. No small task.
Glad to help.
Thank you to you, and to all Albertans for your huge contribution to the prosperity of our whole country. No province in recent years has contributed as much to our prosperity as Alberta.
Thank you.

Google granted $59 Million to Tides (2016), not $69 Million.
My apologies!

CORRECTION (yet again!):
As you can see in the screengrab, the correct figure is $53,576 not $63,576.
Very sorry about this!