Two weeks ago, my wife and I welcomed our son into the universe. ❤️
That $ amount above? The total cost. A day of joy faded as I thought about my privilege of having health insurance and paid parental leave.
When they could instead challenge the status quo, “If the system doesn’t let millions ‘afford’ kids, then let’s change the system because families are more important than corporations.” 5/14
an unprecedented $750 billion dollar budget for the Department of Defense.
For a single year.
Spending hasn’t been like this since WW2, with spikes during Iraq/Afghan wars. 6/14
Returning to work now for many would cause stress ➡️ illness ➡️ time off work ➡️ more poverty. 8/14
Not at all.
Other developed nations, like Nordic states, have:
- nearly year-long maternity leave policies
- free higher ed, &
- universal health care.
There is nothing saying that America cannot replicate and even surpass this model. 9/14
- pushed for longer, paid parental leave,
- universalized healthcare,
- been truly pro life,
then remember that when you vote. If the other developed states can figure it out, so can we. Our kids deserve better. 10/14
•Support candidates who support Medicare for all. It’s wildly popular among Conservatives AND Liberals.
The GOP is harming itself & Americans by not getting on board. 11/14
I’m in VA. It took YEARS to happen but we did it. You better believe I’m not voting for any candidate who thinks people should go bankrupt b/c they have a baby. 12/14
But the difference is they don't go bankrupt for having a baby. 13/14