at a glance, they seem reasonable, but there's a weird focus on upping the presence of cops, preventing religious radicalisation, capping migration.... make what you want of that.
harmless hippies, basically all their policy goes back to 'don't hurt animals'. their attitudes towards migration aren't the worst for a sustainability-based party and focus on allowing refugees and asylum seekers.
nazis. literal nazis.
single issue party, does what it says on the tin, reasonably progressive on other concerns like increasing centrelink payments.
again, not bad at first glance, but starts to get a bit murky with talk of parents being denied welfare benefits if they withhold access of the child, establishing a minister for men, "gender bias" et cetera.
pro-life, pro-censorship, anti-ssm, anti-carbon tax, tells you all you need to know really
cory bernardi's party is a hot mess of western imperialism, climate change denial, queerphobia and closing borders on refugees and asylum seekers
their policy page links to a facebook group, which is less than ideal... but they seem big on "traditional australian values" which is probably a red flag
seemingly good eggs! big on low carbon and clean energy, bolstering medicare and providing more health support, infrastructure, appropriate taxation etc. p quiet on their immigration policy but doesn't seem too negative.
it's the greens; they're a major centre-left party, but to summarise: big on the environment, refugee support, social services, et cetera. i've been preferencing the greens first for basically every election guide i've written for friends over the years.
the ALP are the major centre-right party. capable of good things with appropriate guidance and a handful of very good senators working for change wrt: climate security, social equality, etc. easily swayed by infighting, though. overall: lesser of 2 evils.
seems fine at first but once you start getting into the fine print about supporting welfare increases and improving this and that.... it ends up going on a tirade about deporting "illegal immigrants" and revoking squatters' rights, so vote at own risk.
all mouth and no trouser, the progressives have a positive but incredibly vague "policy overview" available for perusal. no idea how they plan to implement their values, but hey! they don't sound like nazis, so nudge them up a point, i guess.
pro-unions, supports a functional NDIS, pro-medicare, pro-Treaty, pro-welfare, lots of abolition of outsourcing and for-profit companies running social and govt services in their policy outline. all looks good and above board.
nick xenophon's party; bit wishy-washy on environmental policy, wanting to reintroduce the health insurance rebate, weirdly ableist in places ("respite for those families with a disabled family member"), really into "locking up" terrorists...????????
single-issue party, does what it says on the tin. worth pointing out that they take indigenous heritage and culture into specific consideration and have no interest in pulling indigenous kids away from country.
fred nile's christian nationalist party. anti-secularism, pro-"traditional" everything. yuck.
decent but very vague opinions about social issues; however, they seem to be a bunch of climate change deniers who want to repeal the 2007 water act.
so much yelling! but the CAIAAP party, formerly the online direct democracy party, just want to run online polls for any potential policy or lawmaking. that's literally it.
the country libs operate solely in the northern territory, affiliated with the libs and the nats. no policy outline on their site, but they seem mostly concerned with small business deregulation.
cagey about refugees, supports "the natural family", removal of safe schools, et cetera. right wingers masquerading under a centrist's name, if you ask me.
hinch is kind of a creep and his party mostly only cares about putting (and keeping) people in jail. nothing about the environment apart from animal rights activism, nothing abt asylum seekers. preference at own risk.
again, literal nazis. next!
naturopathic anti-vaxxers who deny they're anti-vaxxers. longer policy on chemicals in weedkillers than on social issues. preference at own risk.
you just *know* they spent a very long time on that acronym. single-issue stoner party.
single-issue party that have lengthy rationale for the climate emergency.
naturopathic anti-vaxxers who admit they're anti-vaxxers.
lambie says very good things on occasion, but is also incredibly pro-military and anti-ssm, vote at own risk.
bob katter is a political..... personality from queensland, and while he appears to have the interests of rural, agrarian australia at heart, katter mostly just wants more guns, less gays, and juvenile offenders labouring in the outback for free.
libertarian climate change deniers who approve of offshore detention, want to privatise, uh, everything, have a strange interest in decriminalising base jumping, and want to be able to buy drugs online. they're up to wild shit outside of office hours, hey
major right-wing party (note to non-australians: liberals here are an entirely different thing to liberals elsewhere), currently in power, and led by a pentecostal sociopath who hates refugees, queers, disabled ppl, indigenous ppl and the environment
idk if anyone's been outed for being a neo-nazi but they're definitely toeing that line. very concerned about jihad for white, anglo-australians that have probably never met a muslim person. also, they want to australia to leave the united nations. yikes.
the nats are a major right-wing party that cater to rural australians. policies include lowering the immigration cap and closing the borders to refugees, but they're remarkably solid on improving medicare and rural health services.
single-issue party wanting to reform child support and family assistance policies. all other policy somehow manages to swing back to this, apart from "we love coal and everything else is unreliable... like my ex-wife"
pauline hanson has been a far right shock jock of a politician for something like 30 years, apparently shows no signs of slowing down. party members resigning often for various hate crimes and violent offences. these are *incredibly dangerous people*.
their policy is on a wiki, because of course it is (pirateparty.org.au/wiki/Platform), socially libertarian and financially socialist. unclear if their refugee policy advocates offshore processing. but they're folks in guy fawkes masks, so preference at own risk.
fiona patten's party borne from the ashes of the sex party. edgy libertarians, but they support Treaty, renewable energy, and closing offshore detention centres, so there's that!
seemingly single-issue party (becoming a republic and gaining sovereignty away from the british monarchy). no idea what their policy is like otherwise because all of their sites are dead or non-responsive.
a right-wing extremist party run by angry christians who are physically revulsed by the concept of touching a gay person, think sharia law is the end of days, and support the coal industry. once again, yikes.
the artists formerly known as the future party, they seem like good people who want to use STEM to reinvigorate the country. pro-renewables, pro-Treaty, anti-military; the only thing i'm concerned about is driverless cars.
mostly good policy wrt: migration, the environment, etc, but a lot of their talk about religion uses christian imagery but then goes into extreme detail about islam, so preference at own risk.
not exactly a single-issue party, per se, but solely concerned with the needs of elderly and retired australians; some good ideas (pro-medicare), some bad (immigration freezing and reinstating franking credits).
really into guns, mining, and keeping refugees in offshore detention. a single saving grace: they're also really into renewable energy. preference above the nazis, i guess.
while i'm a socialist, and i agree on their policies, they routinely disregard the advice of local indigenous/refugee organisations and try to sell their newspaper and merchandise at protests, which makes me wonder about their efficiency and honesty.
they spend a lot of time yelling about julian a ssange and trying to get people to buy books about leninism. i imagine their policy is a little more radical than the alliance's, but there's no breakdown outside of essays about freeing the proletariat.
crowdfunded political party that doesn't really have a policy outside of "the arts are valuable!" they seem harmless and good-natured.
more-or-less a single-issue party based on improving mental health services, and providing secular support in schools instead of just chaplaincy.
libertarian micro-party anti-vaxxers who want tax reform and also to replace the family court with "mediation counselling". yikes.
single-issue party devoted to deregulation. preference at own risk.
a micro-party with a "minifesto" (their words) to make australia "slightly better then average"- policy all looks above board (pro-Treaty, pro-renewables, closing offshore *and* onshore detention centres).
please don't be terfs please don't be terfs please don't be terfs...
i don't think they're terfs?
progressive federal policy with women's rights at the fore.
tim storer is an independent candidate running in south australia, as the name suggests. seems vaguely centrist, but uses strange language in regards to last year's medevac bill ("without jeopardising our borders")... preference at own risk.
clive palmer's nationalist clown car of fraud, bankruptcy and memes. honestly surprised they're still an active party considering the millions of dollars of debt he's put himself into on the taxpayer's dime.
the original twitter poll political party! no policy other than 'people can vote for the policy they want online'. i can't believe we have *two* of these.
pro-Treaty, pro-renewables, pro-nationalisation. i don't think they're assholes? maybe preference above other socialist parties.
single-issue micro-party that want to legalise voluntary euthanasia and build more holistic end-of-life services for australians.
for some reason there's a photograph of angry riot cops in action on their policy page. they want strong borders, child support reform, and decentralisation from the east coast. preference at own risk.
a bunch of right-wing extremists formerly known as the australian liberty alliance, funded by the islamophobic q society. i dunno what else to tell you.
if you have independent candidates that you don't have time to research, let me know and i'll do a little digging.
if this thread has been helpful, i have a soundcloud ko-fi.com/internetdog