Not paid a living wage.
Victimized by labor brokers who earn their trust.
Victims of payroll fraud.
Threats of immigration enforcement.
Workplace raids.
Barred from organizing.
Suffering under at-will "right to work."
I remember my clients who have been victimized in at least one of these ways, sometimes more.
ہاتھوں پے زخم ماتھے پے پھسینہ
میں پیر مزدور پے زنجیر دیکھتا ہوں
Wounded hands, sweat on their brow
Yet I still see chains on the worker's feet
Remember that workers take risk, too, just like employers.
Remember it's the right thing to do.
Remember that exploitation is wrong.
No one said compassion is easy. That's precisely why it brings strength.
Happy #MayDay