currently vice chairman at
UBS investment bank in NY,
held series of prominent roles
in Moscow’s financial world.
Timing quite curious.
Mid-2000s was grift centrale
in RU.
Mark Burnett
Ivanka tRUmp👈
Rona Graff
Miroslava "Mira" Duma
MR Pg 78-79-80 VOL 1
Swear she RUssian.
UBS invest banker
passed message
from RU govt official
close associates of
Donald Trump
during 2016 presidential campaign.
AND, had contacts w other Russians during transition.…
There is a whole RUssian crew.
They are racists.
They are homophobes.
They are transphobes.
Ivanka tRUmp hangs around
some nasty Russian trash.
Don't ya love associations?
I just step back + watch pings.…

Miroslava Duma
Ulyana Sergeenko👈
Miroslava Duma has responded 2
disturbing video which emerged
of her making homophobic + transphobic comments,
shortly after receiving a barrage of criticism
4 posting racial slur on IG.…

Once chekist,
always fuqqing chekist.
Same values. Same beliefs.
Hatred towards those
they *feel inferior.🤦♂️
Now, the Chinese? No problem!
But, if ur gay or black or anything of color,
u don't fit w/in their teenie tiny box.

This article is a bunch
of hoo-ha fluffy-puff.
there is always a nugget
here + there
Enter, Cinthia of CinthiaSpoon.
"Saw an email
w mysterious subject line
appear in her inbox:
'Fwd: Mira Duma:
facts on money laundering.'”…

don't live in RUssia.
Natalia Vodianova
divorces Englishman
Justin Portman
*infiltrator into U.K.
Dasha Zhukova
Garage Magazine
Garage Art Gallery, Moscow RUssia
Miroslava Duma
Buro 24/7(removed from board)
Future Tech lab…

"Dasha + Natalia
really did a lot 4 RU
in diff ways,
+ therefore people
en masse love them.
Natalia is like a saint
4 her wrk in charity.
Dasha is loved 4
Garage art center
[ she *founded.]
Duma + Sergeenko
Kanye + Jay-Z.…

her influence on art + fashion worlds.
Miroslava Duma's
online pub, Buro 24/7,
photographed Zhukova
on top of chair shaped like
black woman, heels in the air,
merely 2 prop up
a pretty, white, Russian socialite.

n-word bc they're whiter than white,
but rich RUssians feel their whiteness
is not privilege [in the West]."
"Russians think of themselves
as outsiders marginalized
by Euro peers."
🗣️{They hate black people.
+ others of color.}…

The Ivanka Squad
Stefano Tonchi
Dasha Zhukova
Jennifer Meyer (Ron Meyer Uni|NBC daughter, designer)
Miroslava "Mira" Duma…

The Ivanka Squad
David Geffen👈
Dasha "My Pretty RUssian Cream Puff" Zhukova
Francesco Vezzoli
Kristine O'Neill
Derek Blasberg👈
Karlie Kloss Kushner ( KKK )…

The Ivanka Squad
Candice Swanepoel
Bob Iger
Dasha "My Pretty RUssian Cream Puff" Zhukova
Karlie Kloss Kushner ( KKK )
Cuba Tornado Scott…

Miroslava Duma
is in Mueller Report
bc her links 2 Ivanka Trump.
She passed along invitations 2
Donald + Ivanka Trump
2 event on behalf of
Russia's deputy prime minister.…
She-spies + She-Infiltrators,
but I stop 4 now.
More later.
@threadreaderapp please unroll.
Thanks @karolcummins
4 the kickstarter!!! <3