Tear gas envelops heart of city
as protestors flood downtown
Hong Kong
in protest of China's
extradition bill,
which presented city’s leaders
w ultimatum:
back down, or risk violent clashes.
4 protesters, extradition law
represents line in sand:
dramatic undercutting
of local autonomy
that will end Hong Kong’s status
as a safe haven
4 dissidents fleeing mainland.
mainland guarantees
former British colony:
free speech, capitalist markets + English common law
under “one country, two systems’’ framework.
led by Chief Exec, Carrie Lam,
says it has no intention of giving in
2 protesters’ key demand:
scrapping proposed law
that would allow criminal suspects
2B extradited 2 mainland China,
among other places.
China’s president, Xi Jinping,
who’s seeking 2 bring Hong Kong
N2 greater alignment w mainland.
It could also send
what the Chinese govt might see as
highly dangerous message 2
Hong Kong’s people: protest still works.👈
protests spread from
vicinity of Legislative Council building,
in city’s Admiralty section
+ N2 financial dist,
where 100s of int'l cos have local offices.
Organizers say they plan 2
remain in sts until govt relents.
“Persist, Hong Kongers! Fight On!’’
protest may spread N2
economy as a whole.
Aviation workers, a teachers’ union, student assocs
+ Confederation of Trade Unions,
a pro-democracy labor group,
have called 4 lrg-scale strike.
it’s highly likely 2 pass:
pro-Beijing legislators
enjoy comfortable majority
in legislature,
where many of seats R held by
representatives of business
+ professional groups.
is foundation of its distinctive status,
a legacy of British rule
that has prompted almost 1,400 multinationals
2 set up regional headquarters in city.
along w other elements
of Hong Kong’s autonomy,
was at the heart of
1997 handover agreement 👈
between U.K. + mainland China.
Nat'l Security Bill - 2003
Patriotic Bill - 2012
But, nothing since 2013
under Xi Jinping
*took office.
[ Bo Xilai should have become president.
Xi used swarmy tactics: sex scandal, kompromat
2 dissuade public. ]
#BoXilai Timeline:
Bo Xilai,
former Communist Party chief in Chongqing,
was once seen as high-flyer
tipped for top office.
But he has been expelled from:
Party, parliament + is 2 face prosecution.

Gu Kailai
given suspended death sent
4 murder of U.K. businessman,
Neil Heywood.
All orchestrated by
Xi Xinping,
in order 2 grab power.
People of China
supported Bo.
Bo became too much threat 2 Xi.
Xi had 2 use
mob tactics
2 extort.

China suspends death sentence
4 Gu Kailai,wife of Bo Xilai
4 2012 murder of British businessman
Neil Heywood.👈
📌Bo was sentenced 2 life in prison 4
corruption + abuse of power
in 1 of China’s biggest political scandals.

Please unroll.