Here's the livestream.…
"I use the word inhumane for a reason. Separating children from their mothers or their fathers causes damage that may endure for a lifetime. Let that sink in. Until they die."
This article is from March 2017.…
@itscaitlinhd at the NYTimes reported on the youngest known child, baby Constantin, separated from his parents.…
This is true. Release is ALWAYS a legal option.
So it appears it'll be mostly speeches then moving to panel 2.
He then links this to the issue of so-called "fake families," a real, but VERY uncommon situation.
It's hard to square his testimony with well-research stories of bad behavior.…
Worth noting, as always, that the American Academy of Pediatrics says detaining kids hurts them.…
Given this issue, why has CBP not made any changes in the past five years, after large numbers of families and kids started arriving? Yes, volume is more than ever, but they've had years to prepare!

Rep. Lesko touts her role in the Arizona Senate in passing SB 1070, the "show-me-your-papers" bill that the Supreme Court struck down parts of.

Didn't know it was that easy!
"When I was asked to testify today, I frankly didn't know where to begin. Much has been made about the fact that we have said this was a manufactured crisis; and in many ways, it is manufactured because it is wholly unnecessary."
She also addresses smugglers, noting that CBP is actually helping smugglers through metering and MPP. True!…
I've talked to people in these facilities who directly contradicted what CBP told me.
She is near tears as she says "We cannot allow this."
She follows up: "I ask you and beg you not to look away."
Here's the OIG report confirming extreme length of stays and "dangerous overcrowding."…
Like her colleagues she discusses the mental trauma observing conditions at the border caused her.
This is the "two worlds" discussed by @AOC—CBP often acts as if these people are lying.
I've seen this in person. Having an grown man beg and plead with you for a chance is...
She notes some children under the age of 7 had been held for more than two weeks.
One child couldn't even speak. A newborn had been detained for 7 days.
Unfortunately I have to get some work done this afternoon so I don't think I'll be able to come back to this thread after that, but thanks for following me!…
This is something I have debunked time and time and time again. Homan is just utterly wrong.…
"The equivocation, the enabling, the rationalization, is inexcusable. Is there no limit to what you will justify in this administration when it comes to the mistreatment of our fellow human beings?"
Homan hasn't been on the job for 2 years.
Homan says "the numbers are the numbers," and he's right. So here are some ACCURATE numbers. A brief summary: