Here's another #immunosuppression #tweetorial. This time, a focus on mycophenolic acid (MPA). #MMF #Mycophenolate
The main mechanism of action of MPA is inhibition of which of the following:
The process that MPA interrupts here: PURINE SYNTHESIS
Which purine synthesis pathway does MPA inhibit?
Lymphocytes don't really use the salvage pathway, which uses bases/nucleosides from degraded DNA/RNA to build nucleotides.
T & B cells like to build their nucleotides DE NOVO (i.e. from scratch) from simple molecules.
Inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMP-DH) a DE NOVO purine synthesis pathway enzyme that converts IMP to guanosine monophosphate (GMP).
MPA 🛑 IMPDH and ultimately ⬇️ stores of guanine, leading to ⬇️

MMF-induced colitis has been described and endoscopic biopsies may reveal inflammatory changes that mimic IBD.

1. T + B cells use the DE NOVO purine synthesis pathway
2. MPA is an anti-metabolite, 🛑 an important enzyme in the de novo pathway, IMPDH
3. GI adverse effects are common + may be related to 🛑 of the de novo pathway in enterocytes