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Most recents (2)

Jun 28th 2020
1/ Classic #opticneuritis is characterized by a sub-acute loss of vision in one Eye, with central #scotoma, pain on #eyemovement, positive #RAPD
- Fundus exam is usually normal
- Age range 15-45 years
2/Talking about #MOGAntibodies:
- More frequent in #pediatric population, Associated with #ADEM
- #MOG IgG serum titers depend on disease activity and is mainly from extrathecal origin, enters #CNS from systemic circulation and reaches CSF through passive diffusion or broken #BBB
Read 10 tweets
Jul 30th 2019

Here's another #immunosuppression #tweetorial. This time, a focus on mycophenolic acid (MPA). #MMF #Mycophenolate

The main mechanism of action of MPA is inhibition of which of the following:
2/ Let's meet the players. Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF, left) is a prodrug of MPA while mycophenolate sodium (MPS, right) is an enteric-coated salt of MPA.

MMF administration releases MPA in the stomach, while mycophenolate sodium (MPS) releases it in the small intestine.
3/ MPA is often referred to as an "anti-metabolite", which means a substance that interrupts a metabolic process within cells.

The process that MPA interrupts here: PURINE SYNTHESIS
Read 9 tweets

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