"that should lay the protein (non-)issue to rest for everyone"
Erh, I have questions... 🤚…
[nods knowingly while filling diesel van with petrol]
[ponders why there is a recommendation for older people to eat MORE protein 🤔]
[wonders whether veg*n supplements actually exist 🤔]
[starting to feel protein isn't "so over-rated", it seems pretty cool actually!]
[ponders which foods are highest in protein and whether going on any diet that removes those foods might give pause for at least some concern 🤔]
[wonders whether it might've been good not to let this linger with the nagging suggestion protein and kidney problems have a causal linkage]
[phew! At least I can restrict some of the highest but gassiest protein foods on my new restricted diet! Yay.]
[Ha, yeah, because what's "enough" but a social construct anyway?! Pftt "enough", RDIs? Whatever!]
I'll provide the pavlova. 🇦🇺🇳🇿