That is the point – and an IQ filter NNT himself proly did not expect.
Can you get it?

This was hardly a novel idea for the ancients – Taleb’s book simply put it in terms even academics could potentially understand. (Many din’t.)
what you know,
what you can predict,
what you can specifically prepare for
what you have already experienced & endured.
Shall I draw you a picture? Because it too will be wrong.
That’s where antifragility comes in.
How do we get to live long enough to feed many a Swan? Build systems that withstand or benefit from volatility in a world we'll never truly Know.
Because the siren song of certainty, because people like a good story.
All narratives are inherently fragile.
Randomness is that which is beyond narrative.
Because to get antifragility, you have to get disorder, practice & complexity all in the same breath.
Not getting the dis/order frame is the first major tripwire for the novice & the imbecile. It’s in the title, but not at all as straightforward as you might think you think!
To benefit from stressors, you have to expose yourself to stressors.
Order is a narrative, disorder is an anti-narrative.
Order is always temporary; only disorder is forever. Just ask the turkey.
Antifragiles are driven by what they know they don’t know. They tinker at the boundary of the unknown.
You do by doing.
Simple as that.
Because AF is an invitation for idiots to blow themselves up. Because complexity.
Because complexity is... complex. And that’s how it hides in plain sight. (Ask the turkey if you still have it on the line.)
They lack this intuition because they’ve never been outside the comforts of the sandbox. And they’ve never been punched in the face by the real world.
Antifragility is always local because even when intensity is not fat-tailed, extensity can import a blow up from another domain.
Yet you're fragilized to natural disasters that can wreck your property.
i) Apprenticeship
ii) Tinkering with hedging
iii) Blood in the game
A good mentor is your bespoke whip and sandbox all at once.
You don't just get used to it.
You look forward to it. You draw energy from it. You fucking HUNGER.
Save a lot of money before you change jobs, start a business or write that book. Never compromise your health. Reconnect with people of value.
Otherwise you just became a specialized fragilista.
Skin in the Game is about "keeping you honest" - to yourself, others and the quality of your own decisions. Personal blowup is not what SITG prevents, it’s a filter that makes SITG work!
The community gains in antifragility because “errors” are localized & savagely filtered out.
“Skin in the game is about honor, courage and sacrifice. If you don’t take risks in what you do, you’re nothing.” - @nntaleb
What do you think the sacrifice is about? French desserts?
Why this madness?
It's a sandbox of your own making, but one you fill with stressors, not comforts. #BIG
BIG is about individuality, SITG is about community. BIG helps you build antifragility & stave off personal ruin, SITG staves off societal collapse & degeneracy.
Nassim Taleb on antifragility: “You need variation, but not too much, not too little.”
Savage uncertainty requires savage preparation. #BIG
You put buckets of blood in the game. Before demanding from others, you demand worlds more from yourself.
Suddenly everything bends to your will. You'll be surprised.
Self-savagery sends backstabbing cowards & dangerous idiots scurrying off. Luddix think 19 times before taking you for a sucker.
You take the pain upfront, so you can handle it and stop if your instincts tell you to. You build resilience, determination, self-direction.
Challenging but precautionary.
Intuition for what not to tinker with is essential to antifragility without blowup. BIG makes this instinctual by imposing harsh costs even on mundane tasks. Any blowup is in a sandbox of your own making.
Can you take the pain? Persist amid uncertainty? Bear the cost of failure? Do whatever it takes?
BIG manifests who you really are & what you really want before the ecological plunge of SITG.