Well said Dr Priyanka Wali. ~2/3rds of 'healthy' Americans are carbohydrate intolerant. The DGA should include a recommendation to eat less sugar and carbs."
Commenter #18 - vegan - Amy (thinks there are healthy carbohydrates lol)
Breastfeeding 6-12 months -> human milk -> formula.
C22 - RD "increase vegetable consumption." - definitely a veggie shill - and not bloated at all.

Colorectal cancer from a single sausage link a day.
"avoid processed meat full stop"
"billion dollar meat industry"
"#1 cause of death is american diet"

Nuts are....okay for #keto but not for #carnivore. They're inflammatory and require a lot of water to grow.
"snacks provide 25% calories"
"replacing snacks that have carbs with nuts is good" - agreed.
"recommend minimally processed fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts" to prevent T2D. "adventist"

Gets cut off.
"lactose intolerance"
"racial and ethnic disparity"
"dairy contains pus and feces"
"dairy industry contributes to climate change"
"plant based milks = $1.6 billion"
RD - @KidsLiveWell -> launching 2.0
38 million meals a day.
Talking about calorie intake and portion sizes, low cal beverages.
We need to eat like our ancestors -> "high fiber, leafy greens, legumes" LMAO WHAT?
1 of 10 meet targets. Animal sourced foods like eggs and meat are best sources of Choline.
Shifting away from animal sourced foods = less choline.
Choline required for proper brain development, better cognitive outcomes, visual memory
Choline needed for health.
Rates of caries match/exceed rates of obesity.
most chronic condition in children. 5x prevalent as asthma.
Caries preventable through dietary intake.
American Dental Health Association / ADHA
Reduce carbs!
- Wrote Deep Nutrition 10 years ago. People hunted and fished.
We've lost knowledge.
The most important change "we now eat 80% of fat calories from refined bleached vegetable oils"
"no one has said we need veg oils"
"promote inflammation, DNA damage"
low carb / ketogenic diet.
50% carbs = disease.
"blanket statement to eat starch and sugar"
"personal carbohydrate tolerance"
malnutrition, sarcopenia -> consider necessary intake of protein - OLDER ADULTS NEED MORE PROTEIN!!!!
"rare to see a normal weight person"
"poor diet = the thing"
"too much animal protein, too much dairy"
"low fat, high dietary fiber, plant-based diet"
"personally takes offense from @WaliPriyanka who said DGA = joke"
Recommends whole foods plant based diet.
dairy has lots of vitamins/minerals/protein/fat.
Thinks consumers need appropriate portion balance. I think that is hogwash. Eat meat when hungry. Stop when full. Portions = variable based on that hunger.
"you can have cake in your diet"
"Everything in moderation"
LOL great example you're setting! "variety of grain choices leads to nutrient density"
"we believe it is premature to suggest low carb diets" WHAT?
"low carb is associated with mortality"

Complementary feeding - rice consumption / arsenic?
Vitamin D supplements should be recommended....
"1 in 6 needs psychiatric medication"
"nutrient defic, unstable blood sugar, hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance"
"eating essential nutrients for brain"
"guidelines promote refined grains and seed oils -> seed oils and oxidation."
"get rid of recommendation for protein" "refer to michael Pollan - mostly plants"
dairy foods are appealing, accessible, and affordable.
dairy foods are nutrient dense. Reduce risk of chronic disease.

C59 - endocrinologist - put kids on whole grains, F&V, low fat diets -> None of them lost weight - all gained weight/gained faster.
Did research - fat wasn't the problem. Carbohydrates/sugar stimulate insulin.
20 years ago -> 10 year old girl lost 24 lbs/4months
5'2 austistic kid- 280 lbs -> ten minutes taught low carb -> 5.4 A1c - lost 110 lbs.
Goal = prevent obesity thru carb restriction
@drjasonfung 's book cited - #keto and #if - A1C -> 5.7
#Keto helped me.
Question cholesterol / lipid hypothesis. Talk hormones. CICO is a failure.
Evaluate the science. "Observational studies don't provide causation"
"increase plant-based foods, soy is high quality protein."
"soy milk is best alternative for cow milk, 7 grams protein/srv"
"soy has heart benefits"
"soy is as good as animal protein"
"soy is tasty"
lmao #WholeSoyStory disagrees.
Soy is toxic and not fit for humans.
Best results with VERY low carb - 50 grams/10%.
"worked for years, patients got sicker and more obese using guidelines"
"i founded low carb obesity program"
"reversing NAFLD and T2D"
"PI for largest study"
WHI - nothing to prevent T2D or cardiovascular.
Review enormous amount of evidence.
@anthonygjay would like a word with you.
concerned about dairy foods.
Thought dairy was healthy.
"noxious to drink mother's milk from other animals"
"dairy is destructive for athletes"
"casein increases mucus production"
"65% of global population is lactose intolerant"

"adopt a whole food plant based diet"
"250 patients in Rochester"
"average drop in cholesterol is good"
HbA1C - 13% -> 6%
"promotes healthy growth at all life stages"
"reduced risk for chronic disease"
"lower in sugar and animal products"
"fiber is exclusively found in plants"
"fortified plant milks"
"provide essential amino acids and sol/insoluble fibers"

"call out racism in DGA"
"black people are intolerant of lactose"
"ridiculous to tell people to eat foods that make them sick"
"people trash carbs, never mention glycemic index"
"it's processed carbs"
I was 340 lbs, 200 units insulin. morbidly obese for 25 years.
"i got a dog and a WFPB diet plan"
"I cycled on and off atkins"
"Lost 150 lbs in 10 months."
"long term, high cholesterol is associated with Heart Disease"
"vegan pops have best longetivity"
Epidemic of food bourne illnesses.
"dairy is bad and gross"
"milk does not do a body good"
"laden with saturated fat and cholesterol - absolutely know it starts in childhood"
"eliminate dairy, eggs, and meat for optimal health"
"environmental effects"
"do away with category of protein foods"
"recommend nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains, and vegetables falling in line with DGA recommendations"
"animal products = disease"

lmao wowo.
"my body failed me, my milk didn't come in, my son starved to death."
"brainwashed not to give formula"
"set up to fail from day 1"
"low carb diet be included as an acceptable diet in the 2020 guidelines."
"21 years of practice - metabolic syndrome/obesity"
"my patients got sicker on low fat diets"
"2013 - learned about low carb diets. I was skeptical."
Patients are flabbergasted to hear that they can eat saturated fat.
"Chad, 16yo, 32% bodyfat, swimmer -> low carb healed"
dietary supplement shill.
"Recommend dietary fiber supplements. Americans don't eat enough F&V&WG."
supplement users -> healthy user bias
Mars requests that 2020 DGA recommend daily oral hygiene routine with florinated water"
Reduce dietary carbohydrates!
Caries most prevalent disease.
fruits can cause tooth decay.
Advocate for Low Carb Diets.
"evidence base of LCD"
"20 years -> dramatic rise of obesity/t2d"
"DGA is contributing to epidemic"
"wrote prescriptions to mask chronic disease."
"personally trained thousands of patients."
Plant based shill, anti animal foods.
"know animal fats increase lipids"
WFPB is higher in fiber. Low energy density foods. Disease fighting micronutrients...
2000 cals of rice have ample amounts of protein.
C2 - Dietitian - union concerned scientists - if F&V increased, less sugar, less processed meat we could prevent deaths.
"insufficient enforcement of DGA" - yikes!
"limit sugar to 6% calories"
90% consumers snack multiple times a day.
~consumer Snack 2.5 times a day.
"studies found snacking/frequent eating more beneficial"
"expert reports for cancer prevention"
"recommends DGA use systematic reviews / meta analysis"
beverages with "flavonoids may benefit"
unsweetened tea through flavonoids contribute to better heart health (....what about the unsweetened part ????)
"unsweetened tea can be a recommended beverage"
"pulse dry edible seed of a legume pod"
"pulses are excellent sources of folate and fiber"
"pulses and soybeans"
"struggle to understand why DGA only wants 3 cups of pulses."
Ask for standardization and to recognize pulses, have 3 cups/week