The UK Parliament is working precisely as intended. All the people who want to change things are tied up in red tape & meaningless tangents, & the folk who want to change things for the worse are reclining on the benches like smug teens.
I understand why the SNP are playing along, but it's getting to the point I just can't watch.
I've been over it for a long time. I just wish others would realise it too.
Noes: 301
So what? What does it matter? It just means the UK Parliament - that wretched institution that I can't stand - has "taken control." I don't WANT Parliament to be sovereign. I want the PEOPLE to be sovereign.
To Hell with the lot of them.
This is not normal politics. This is an Outside Context Problem that hardly anyone seems to acknowledge.…
This man isn't a Prime Minister as we understand it: he's a conman. He's a thief. He isn't like Cameron or May or anyone before him. So stop treating him as if he was.
I'd love to be proven wrong, if only because I'm getting sick of being proven right in all the ways I *don't* want to be.