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May 9th 2023
As I wrap up my 5th year of #primarycare practice, I can't help but reflect on the TEN "sparks" trainees may miss out on during residency that make this work so rewarding.

A 🧵of #gratitude...

@CLOSLER @primarycarechat @InduPartha @adamcifu @gabrieldane @GIMaPreceptor

1) Spending the majority of time in an office visit talking about kids, grandkids, sports, golf league, and fears for the future.

Very few people get to be a sounding board in the lives of others. Image
2) Knowing your patients without having to look anything up. What would take another provider 45 minutes to orient to, you can address in 2 minutes or less.

#knowyourworth Image
Read 12 tweets
Feb 2nd 2023
While Westminster purchased and Installed Hepa Filters for Parliament in 2020 …. While MPs like Bridgen lied about Vaccines in debates and on Social Media, & parents were fined by Govt for non attendance in UKCovidUnsafeSchools 💥😱👇🤬
Now everyone knows why #ABrigden is lying his head off with Antivaxxer bollox on Twitter: to cover up the fatal errors by the Government he is still part of, backed by antivax AstroTurf groups like Hartgroup . #LyingToryScum
Read 11 tweets
Jan 10th 2023
President #Biden ignores question on why #classified documents were found at his think tank | Jan 10
- the classified documents that were found at the #PennBidenCenter for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in #Washington, D.C.…
'Storm Joe #Biden's homes', #Trump tells #FBI after classified documents found in private office | Jan 10
- "When is the FBI going to #raid the many homes of Joe Biden, perhaps even the #WhiteHouse? These documents were definitely not declassified."…
#Trump Wildly Speculates #Biden Gave #Classified Docs to #China Before Adding Denial No One Asked For: 'I Certainly Wouldn't Do That' | Jan 10
- #Not a good situation for our Country to be in!”
Read 104 tweets
Jul 15th 2022
If Telegraph want Sunak in Power that’s even more reasons for a General Election. Every Tory Leadership Candidate is as bad as the next. Every Tory MP tarred with the same brush: #ToryTraitors
Read 24 tweets
Apr 6th 2022
@ir_rkp Hienoa, täytyykin viestittää @ZelenskyyUaaa'lle että kieltää Suomen vale oppositiopuolueet, siionistien @persut ja Kremlin @kokoomus laittomina.
@ir_rkp @ZelenskyyUaaa @persut @kokoomus Voi kysyä lupaa myrkyttää Suomessakin, epämiellyttäviä kansanryhmiä.
- Esim. Candida albicans on tuottoisin 'sairaus' 100 vuoteen. #BigPharma sanoo sitä 'syöväksi'.
#Candidiasis ei parane 'syöpä'hoidoilla, vaan potilaat menehtyvät tuskallisesti n. 5 vssa.
@ir_rkp @ZelenskyyUaaa @persut @kokoomus #Nuremberg 2.0, #sotarikos ei vanhene.
#VAERS Summary for #COVID19 'Vaccines' through 3/4/2022 | Mar 12, 2022
- Covid -sotarikokset jatkuvat Suomessakin, haavoittuvassa asemassa olevien teurastaminen #BigPharma'n voitelemana.…
Read 40 tweets
Mar 2nd 2022
Russian #airborne #troops land in Ukraine's second city #Kharkiv | Mar 2
- Kharkiv, a largely Russian-speaking city near the Russian border, has a population of around 1.4 million.…
BREAKING | Russian #airborne troops land in #Kharkiv…
#Russian #paratroopers land in #Kharkiv after city is blitzed by rocket attacks | Mar 2
- No Ukrainian troops were killed in the gun battle, Kharkiv Region Police Chief Volodymyr Tymoshko told reporters on Wednesday.…
Read 4 tweets
Feb 22nd 2022
@JustSayNope @peterel74038008 @MacaesBruno @Conservatives The Salisbury poisonings were Putin laying his wares out on the table as a warning. “Cross or hinder me; & this happens”. Johnson & Tories are neck deep in Kompromat. May knew EU Ref was bent. Commons & Sec Services must know : what’s the hold up? #Investigate the whole lot, now!
@JustSayNope @peterel74038008 @MacaesBruno @Conservatives Listen here ; Failure to protect HMQ from bad advisors re: her finances, & how the threat was issued by Moglivech/Putin re Dark Money/ Russia.
Read 6 tweets
Nov 11th 2020
I noticed the #Derby #takeover is looking on shaky legs from the reporting today - Quelle surprise!

In addition to the thread & background Offshore/Samuelson/Obolensky, thought it might be worth posing more questions

How do these people/structures work?…
I've read quite a lot about ⚽️ finances & the machinations of 💸 in the offshore world.

So, I'll try and give some crude speculation below (with a couple of factual references) & see if we get anywhere near the mark 🧐

Money Men - Fronts - Frauds…
Trust/Offshore Companies are involved in Fiduciary Duties

They take sources of funds (often from discreet, cautious & sometimes nefarious characters)

It is then their job then to create structures to protect, move, make accessible (& sometimes invest💸)
Read 16 tweets
Jun 20th 2020
Do Not Keep Silent. POWERFUL from @iammelvinmyles @rabbispen @StephenSimmons5 #JuneteenthDay
on my blog. Please read & share
Correction: Video was created by Springdale Baptist Church @TheSpringBC #IWasNotSilenced
Read 3 tweets
Apr 30th 2020
#ICYMI Ep. 1231 Fireworks at the White House - The Dan Bongino Show® Disingenuous Press Asks Q’s to Entrap President NOT to Get Truth to Americans, Dissecting Steele Dossier VS FBI Files, Bill of Rights & Constitution NOT a Suggestion, & More!
Order your copy of the #1 Best Seller “Exonerated: The Failed Takedown of President Donald Trump by the Swamp” by Dan Bongino @dbongino #MAGA #DanBongino #BestSeller #DrainTheSwamp #MuellerReport #Phase4 #RT #Ad
Grassley And Johnson Request FBI Director Wray Turn Over All FBI Records On Crossfire Hurricane

#FBI #CrossfireHurricane #CrossfireTyphoon #FISC #FISAabuse…
Read 25 tweets
Oct 27th 2019
BEFORE READING THIS THREAD, do you think this statement is TRUE or FALSE?

Despite being a documented #epidemic for decades, @HHSGov's #CenterForDiseaseControl(@CDCgov) intentionally obstructs its collecting #statistics on what causes at least 10% of deaths NEEDLESSLY every year.

HINT: You already know of these systemic #DataScams due to #PublicCorruption & #RegulatoryCapture:

🤥#UScensus is maliciously biased

Thread coming soon about #CauseOfDeath #DataFraud

#AmericanSwamp #MedicalControlFraud

ANOTHER HINT: My inability to escape intrahospital, interhospital & health/disability insurers’ #ConspiracyAgainstRights using #MedicalControlFrauds exposes motive of the right answer.

Watch this video later to understand #PublicCorruption by example📽️
Read 43 tweets
Jan 21st 2019
Dear @arlenparsa, Thank you for the inspirational and comforting tweet #CovingtonCatholic #Magateen. Basic stuff is falling apart all around us and we are looking depraved on so many fronts. It’s nice to see that we have choices.
You have shown us that there is a high road, a smarter road, and we are free to take it. #Media impose a certain behavioral framework, but we can choose to engage at a higher level like you did. It takes more work and more commitment, but it’s ultimately so much more crucial.
We found the #CNN coverage disgraceful & unprofessional. What these #kids did was unquestionably reprehensible. But they are simply ignorant at this stage of their development. Are they the racist bigots of tomorrow? More than likely, but one may still hold out #hope for them.
Read 13 tweets
Sep 24th 2018
There is more "there" here. Defenders of abusive priests. Association with Fox News. Use of "far right" political vernacular such as "political correctness" and "unhinged." Connection to Judicial Crisis Network.
"Catholic League pushes back on ‘predator priest’ scandal"…
Scalia and Santorum attended the same Opus Dei church as Freeh & Russian Spy / FBI Mole Robert Hanssen
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Sep 19th 2018
@LindseyGrahamSC Re what you & GOP see as futility of investigating 36-year old case:

/1/ As with any background investigation this is not necessarily re criminal conduct (so everyone can stop being talking jurisdiction) but character
@LindseyGrahamSC /2/ the standard of "proof" for elevation to SCOTUS is not "beyond reasonable doubt" but AT MOST "preponderance of evidence." Remember: NOTHING IS BEING TAKEN FROM KAVANAUGH. Promotion to SCOTUS not a "right."
@LindseyGrahamSC /3/ POTUS himself set higher standard when he said this week (yesterday?) that additional hearing should be held so "no one has any doubt"
Read 12 tweets
Aug 30th 2018
What do you do when you disagree with someone ? ... How do you handle a different perspective? ... I check we are talking about the same thing... consider the logic and evidence and finally stress test their conclusions...
I did that and I disagreed with @CarolineLucas my leader
First off @CarolineLucas is #spectacularly bright, #hardworking and a #visionary who pulled me into @TheGreenParty orbit. There are very few... perhaps no other UK politicians with a more determined record of standing up for our collective #environmental #rights #newgreenpolitics
Read 10 tweets
Feb 2nd 2018
1) Why the Nunes #FISAMemo is just the tip of the iceberg.

And a tactical masterstroke by @POTUS.

The #Memo isn't a #MOAB bombshell by itself. It's an opening move in a chess game which #Democrats are hopelessly unprepared for, and have already lost.

#QAnon #GreatAwakening
2) The path to #DrainTheSwamp is #FBI > #DOJ > #CIA > #Congress > #Judiciary

To take down the #DeepState you need investigative power. This is why @Comey was first. The #MuellerInvestigation is a charade, and insiders knew in advance that #Rosenstein was compromised.
3) In context, the #Memo strikes as the center of the operatives involved in the #DeepStateCoup which intended to subvert an #election. Any other interpretation is pure idiocy. What's brilliant about it is that it enables #Investigation to move in all direction from it. #QAnon
Read 14 tweets

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