If you're thinking about building something for the workplace, here's what you should know
⚠️ Tough feedback ahead ⚠️
It feels a lot like building a consumer product, but maybe better (early users pay $)
Keep in mind: these users are the easiest to acquire
Selling to other startups is a great strategy, but that well easily dries up
Learn more about the challenges of a purely self-serve business here:
Think you're the only "product person" working on this problem?
You'll quickly uncover others, especially as you are out fundraising.
To quote @davidu: "Good ideas comes in bunches."
Find an advisor who has done it before and build the muscle before you need it
Self-serve is a life phase and you've chosen to build in a space with an evolving business model
I call it "horses for courses"
The people you hire today are likely not the same people you'll have around in later funding rounds
But once the core tech is built, those same people don't want to be handed feature requests from large customers
If a sale team doesn't hit their quota, guess what?
They'll leave for a company where they will
In the early days, I suggest a Head of Sales and Customer Success someone who can partner directly with founders
If you're a product person, this will feel uncomfortable
Company culture will change and guess what?
You're now running a real B2B company.
Be mindful of the changes that come with a constantly evolving business model
But trust me, you're not flying to SXSW...
You're going to Newark, San Jose, Omaha and Orlando for conferences😄